Input Description


Function Block PUMP_ANTIJAM


The inputs marked with a triangle e8bc02e907c6d1ef0a33139000cd8183_78f228175b765b440a33139001315693 are of the class VAR_IN_OUT (input and output variable). These inputs must be connected to a variable.

EN (enable)

Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BOOL - - -

In order to enable the function block processing, input EN has to be continuously set to TRUE. The function block is not processed if input EN = FALSE. While input is set to TRUE, the inputs are continuously checked for validity and plausibility. If this is not the case, processing is aborted and an error is displayed.

PUMP_ID (id of pump to be cleaned)

Data type: INT, default value: 1, range: 1-3

Enter ID of the pump which is to be cleaned.

TRIGGER (trigger)

Data type: INT, default value: 0, range: 0-4

Trigger to clean the pump.

Mode Short description Description
0 Not enbaled Cleaning sequence is disabled.
1 Master enabled Cleaning sequence is allowed when the drive is master.
2 Follower enabled Cleaning sequence is allowed when the drive is follower.
3 At start Cleaning sequence is performed at every start.
4 Manual mode Cleaning sequence is performed manually. To operate the ANTIJAM in the manual mode, START_MANUAL has to be made FALSE ®TRUE.

FWD_REF_SPEED (forward reference speed)

Data type: INT, default value: 1, range: ³ 0, unit: rpm

Speed reference to clean the pump in the forward direction.

BWD_REF_SPEED (backward reference speed)

Data type: INT, default value: 1, range: ³ 0, unit: rpm

Speed reference to clean the pump in the backward direction.

OFF_TIME (off time)

Data type: TIME, default value: 10, range: > 0, unit: s

Time delay between the forward and the reverse movement in Antijam.

FWD_STEP_TIME (forward step time)

Data type: TIME, default value: 10, range: > 0, unit: s

Time duration of one clean-step for which the pump moves in the forward direction.

BWD_STEP_TIME (backward step time)

Data type: TIME, default value: 10, range: > 0, unit: s

Time duration of one clean-step for which the pump moves in the backward direction.

ANTIJAM_STEPS (antijam steps)

Data type: INT, default value: 1, range: 1-5

Number of steps to be performed in an Antijam process. One step of Antijam is shown in the picture above.

ALLOW_REVERSE (allow reverse direction)

Data type: BOOL

True value means the pump can also move in the reverse direction to perform the Antijam.

START_MANUAL (manual mode)

Data type: BOOL

For the TRUE value it runs the Antijam in the manual mode.

STATION_DATA (station data structure)


This structure contains pumping station data. All the Functions Blocks receive some data, process it and write it back to the structure.