DCS_DRIVES_CTRL\ Control of DCS Drives with ABB-Drives Profile using a Communication BlockΒΆ


Function Block DCS_DRIVES_CTRL is used for controlling DCS Drives with ABB Drives Profile connected to a communication block via a DRIVE_DATA variable.

Block Data

Available as of PLC runtime system: V2.3.3
Included in library: DCSDrives_AC500_V24.lib
Function Block with historical values



The Function Block DCS_DRIVES_CTRL is used for controlling DCS Drives with ABB drives profile.

The Function Block provides standard start/stop signals to control the drive and standard diagnosis signals read from the drive.

According to the input signals and the actual Status Word (SW), read from the DRIVE_DATA variable, the ABB drives profile state machine is executed. The Control Word (CW) is build and written to the DRIVE_DATA variable. For diagnosis purpose the CW is also written to the output USED_CW.

SPEED_REF input has to be given in the fieldbus range of -20000 .. +20000, according to the scaling parameter in the drive (e.g. Par. 11.05 of ACS355).ACT_SPEED provides the actual speed in the fieldbus range of -20000 .. +20000, according to the scaling parameter in the drive (e.g. Par. 11.05 of ACS355). ACS_REF_SCALING Function Block could be used to scale the fieldbus range to a physical value.

If the connected communication block (via DRIVE_DATA variable) is disabled or not parameterized correctly, all outputs except DONE, ERR and ERNO are reset to zero. This can be checked by the ERNO output.


The Function Block is only working for DCS drives using ABB drive profile. The data transfer to the drive is realized via the IN_OUT variable DRIVE_DATA, which must be connected to an ACS_COM_MOD_RTU ACS_COM_MOD_RTU Communication for ACS / DCS Drives via MODBUS RTU or an ACS_COM_MOD_TCP ACS_COM_MOD_TCP Communication for ACS / DCS Drives via MODBUS TCP Function Block.

For the necessary configuration of parameters in the drive see table below.

Drive Parameter DCS800 DCS550 Comment
EXT1 COMMANDS 10.01 = ManCtrlWord 10.01 = ManCtrlWord Fieldbus interface as source for start and stop

10.07 (HandAuto)

MCW: Bit11

11.02 (Ref1Mux)MCW: Bitt11

11.12 (Ref2Mux)Invert 11.02

10.07 (HandAuto)

MCW: Bit11

11.02 (Ref1Mux)MCW:

Bitt11 11.12 (Ref2Mux)Invert 11.02

Fieldbus interface as source to switch to EXT2 control place.

Tbd / tbc

REF1 SELECT 11.03 = SpeedRef2301 11.03 = SpeedRef2301 Fieldbus interface as source for speed reference
FAULT RESET SEL NA NA Fieldbus interface as source for fault reset
PROFILE NA NA Control Profile to ABB Drives Profile classic or enhanced.