Input Description



Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BOOL - - -

In order to enable pulse counting for input CH, input EN has to be continuously set to TRUE. The Function Block is not processed if input EN = FALSE.

When calling the Function Block the first time, the inputs are checked for validity and plausibility. If this is not the case, processing is aborted and a corresponding error is displayed at output ERR/ERNO.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BYTE - 1 … 10 -

At input MODULE, the module number of the digital S500 I/O device on the I/O bus of the AC500 CPU is specified. The first module with number 1 is the module directly right to the CPU.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BOOL - - -

If input EN_VISU = TRUE, it is also possible to control the Function Block inputs (except SLOT, COM, MODULE_ADR, EN and EN_VISU) via the integrated visualization of the Function Block. If input EN_VISU = FALSE, control via the visualization is disabled and the labelling of the corresponding control elements is displayed in gray. The actual values are always displayed Visualization.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BOOL - - -

If input EN1 = TRUE, pulse counting of counter 1 is enabled. If EN1 = FALSE, no pulse counting is performed and the pulses are lost.

Input EN1 corresponds to bit 1 in control byte 0.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BOOL - - -

At input UD1, the counting direction is set for operating modes with up/down counters (modes 3…6).

The following applies:

UD1 = FALSE → counter 1 counts up

UD1 = TRUE → counter 1 counts down

If input SET1 = TRUE, the counter takes this value.

Input UD1 corresponds to bit 0 in control byte 0.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BOOL - - -

Input EN_OUT1 is used to select the output control mode for the operating modes with direct output activation (modes 1 and 2).

Only for fast counter operating modes 1 and 2:

If EN_OUT1 = FALSE, the related digital output DO acts as an output indicating “end value reached” of the fast counter.

If EN_OUT1 = TRUE, the related digital output DO can be used as normal digital output.

The value change of EN_OUT1 is only effective when EN = TRUE.

Input EN_OUT1 corresponds to bit 3 in control byte 0.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BOOL - - -

If set input SET1 = TRUE, the counter takes the values from the inputs UD1, START1 and END1.

As long as input SET1 = TRUE, no pulses are counted because the counter is always overwritten by the start value START1.

Input SET1 corresponds to bit 2 in control byte 0.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
DWORD - - -

At input START1, the start value of counter 1 is entered.

If input SET1 = TRUE, counter 1 takes this value.

Input START1 corresponds to the analog outputs 0 (bit 16..31) and 1 (bit 0..15) of the CS31 Bus Module.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
DWORD - - -

At input END1, the end value of counter 1 is entered.

If input SET1 = TRUE, counter 1 takes this value.

Input END1 corresponds to the analog outputs 2 (bit 16..31) and 3 (bit 0..15) of the CS31 Bus Module.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BOOL - - -

At input UD2, the counting direction is set for operating modes with up/down counters (modes 3…6).

The following applies:

UD2 = FALSE → counter 2 counts up

UD2 = TRUE → counter 2 counts down

If input SET2 = TRUE, the counter takes this value.

Input UD2 corresponds to bit 0 in control byte 1.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BOOL - - -

Input EN_OUT2 is reserved. A variable with the value FALSE has to be applied.

Input EN_OUT2 corresponds to bit 3 in control byte 1.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BOOL - - -

If set input SET2 = TRUE, the counter takes the values from the inputs UD2, START2 and END2.

As long as input SET2 = TRUE, no pulses are counted because the counter is always overwritten by the start value START2.

Input SET2 corresponds to bit 2 in control byte 1.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
DWORD - - -

At input START2, the start value of counter 2 is entered.

If input SET2 = TRUE, counter 2 takes this value.

Input START2 corresponds to the analog outputs 4 (bit 16..31) and 5 (bit 0..15) of the CS31 Bus Module.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
DWORD - - -

At input END2, the end value of counter 2 is entered.

If input SET2 = TRUE, counter 2 takes this value.

Input END2 corresponds to the analog outputs 6 (bit 16..31) and 7 (bit 0..15) of the CS31 Bus Module.