

The Datalogging Library supports CPU PM573 or higher.

The Datalogging Library does not support CPUs of the AC500-eCo-series.


:strong:Failure in Processing of the Function Blocks.

  • The Function Blocks LOG_xxxxxx_INPUT, LOG_HANDLING and LOG_xxxxxx_OUTPUT must be put in the same task.

CPU firmware must be V 2.3.3 or higher.

Use SD card from ABB with sufficient free space, at least 1,5 x file size as configured (file size is depending on input MAX_DS_IN_FILE (Log_Handling)).

Maximum number of files (input of FBLOG_HANDLING) is limited to 500 (ABB SD memory card is formatted with FAT).

  1. Do the following settings in the AC500 configuration:


Automatically the following areas in the global %R/%M area are occupied:

  • In the segment 0 of the %R/%M-area only the upper part is occupied in each case, %R starting at %RD13000, %M starting at %MD16370.
  • The segment 1 is occupied completely in each case.
(* **************************************************************Segment 0 %R ************************************************************ *)
\ RD0.0 ... RD0.12999 free for user - e.g.  MODBUS
(* **************************************************************Segment 0 %M ********************************************************* *)
\ MD0.0 ... MD0.16369 free for user - e.g.  MODBUS