Single CS31 Bus on CPU COM Port¶
In order to configure a single CS31 Bus on a CPU COM port, build-up the hardware configuration in Automation_Builder. The following picture demonstrates necessary configuration:
Hardware Configuration Tree. Option 1.
Shows the configured PLC type.
Addition of local I/O Bus modules is possible but the I/O modules will not be redundant.
CS31 Bus module below CPU COM1 interface.
CI590-CS31-HA module and I/O modules below CS31 Bus.
Maximum limit is 31 CI590-CS31-HA modules in one CS31 line.
UDP data exchange below the ETHERNET interface. This is mandatory for a HA-CS31 system to run since it is responsible for synchronization of CPU A and CPU B.
CM577-ETH module below the coupler slot for OPC server and Automation_Builder communication etc. If the PLC has more than one onboard ETH port (Example: PM595, PM591-2ETH) the user can use ETH2 port instead of CM577-ETH. Refer to Requirements.
PM591-2 ETH and PM595 PLCs must use onboard ETH1 for UDP data communication.
We recommend you, to use separate ETHERNET slots for UDP data exchange and PC connectivity. Refer to Requirements.
For using CI590 2FC (fast counter) users have to add CI590 2FC under CS31 network. Then, the “Fast Counter” selection must be updated with the appropriate counter type. With the default setting “No Counter” the system will become unstable.