The following instructions helps the user to create parameters in the python script.
Parameters must be defined in the imported script.
Parameters and values are optional.
ParameterNames and ParameterValues must be delimited with symbols.
The format must be: “#AutomationBuilder_Parameter {“ParameterName”} {= “ParameterValue”}.
{ParameterName} is the name given to the parameter. This allows the values to be referenced in the python script.
{ParameterValue} is the default value given to the parameter. This value can be modified in the editor.
The example below shows the format of the ParameterName and ParameterValue in the script.
- #AutomationBuilder_Parameter “numWidgets”: this will create a new parameter called numWidgets.
- #AutomationBuilder_Parameter “numWidgets” = “4”: this will create a new parameter called numWidgets and initialize to the value 4.
Using parameters within the python script
Parameters can be used in the script by creating an instance of the parameter helper.
parameterHelper = AutomationBuilder_Parameters.create()
Individual parameters are retrieved by calling GetParameter(parameterName).
devicename = parameterHelper.GetParameter(“Name”)