CM578-CN CANOPEN Communication Module Slave View



The CANOPEN Slave diagnosis must be enabled explicit by the user every time he opens this view (the enabled state will not be saved). This has the following reason:

Each time when a diagnosis read request is send to a slave who has actual emergency data, the emergency data is automatically acknowledged. Thus a emergency handling Function Block running on PLC will possible miss this emergency data. So enabling this view should only be done when no Function Blocks are used to handle emergency data.

Additional information

These 2 bytes are read out from the node during startup. In the draft CiA specification this word is declared as extended information of the node type. For example in this word is fixed if the node supports digital input or outputs etc.

Profile number

These 2 bytes are read out from the node during startup. There are existing several predefined profile numbers each described in an own specification manual. Here is an extract of these:

Device Profile for I/O modules 401 dec.
Device Profile for Drives and Motion Control 402 dec.
Device Profile for Encode 406 dec.

Node state

If the node guarding protocol is active for this node, the read out node status register is written into this variable. The following value are defined in the CANOPEN specification:

Status Value Description
1 Disconnected
2 Connecting
3 Preparing
4 Prepared
5 Operational
127 Pre-operational

Current online error

In this byte the actual online error of this node station is held down. See the following table for possible entries.

Status Value Description
0 No Error
30 Guarding failed -> check if node is connected
31 Node has change his state and is not longer operational -> reset node
32 Sequence error in guarding protocol -> reset node
33 No response to a configured remote frame PDO-> check if node is able to handle remote frames
34 No response of the node during its configuration-> check if node is connected and operational
35 The master configured node profile number is different from the Node profile number -> check the supported profile number of the Node: I/O, encoder, etc.
36 The master configured node device type is different from the Node device type -> check the supported services of the Node.
37 Unknown SDO response received -> Node not compatible to CiA protocol specification
38 Length indicator of received SDO message unequal 8 -> node not compatible to CiA protocol specification
39 Node not handled, Node in stop -> activated Auto_Clear mode or host not ready
52 Unknown handshake mode was configured
56 Baud rate out of range
60 Double node address was configured
220 HOST-watchdog error -> check user program or watchdog time
210 No database
212 Faulty reading of a data base -> execute download of data base again