IO \ Controller List of Slaves View¶
This is the main diagnosis view for the PROFINET IO Controller: List of slaves table view.
For every configured Slave the following data are displayed:
Slave name: This is the main identifier on the PROFINET. (This name can be set or changed using the Assign station name editor tab available at the CM579 Master level)
Name in Project: Name of the node in the Project Tree where this Device is configured
- configured, active -> all OK, slave is in data exchange
- configured, inactive -> configured, but not found
- configured, inactive, faulted-> configured, not in data exchange but with errors
- configured, active, has active alarm, not acknowledged
- configured, active, has active alarm, acknowledged
Diagnosis state: special diagnosis error messages (independent of alarms)
Device ID: type ID given by the Vendor
VendorID: identifies the Vendor, ID is unique