Operator ‘SHL’

This IEC operator is used for bitwise shift of an operand to the left.

erg := SHL (in, n)

in: Operand that is shifted to the left

n: Number of bits to shift in to the left


If n overwrites the data type width, then it depends on the target system how the BYTE, WORD, DWORD, and LWORD operands are padded. The target systems cause padding with zeros or n MOD <tab width>.


Please note the number of bits that CODESYS uses for this operation as defined by the data type of the input variable in.


The results for erg_byte and erg_word are different, although the values of the in_byte and in_word input variables are the same and the data types of the input variables are different.


PROGRAM shl_st
 in_byte : BYTE := 16#45; (* 2#01000101 )
 in_word : WORD := 16#0045; (* 2#0000000001000101 )
 erg_byte : BYTE;
 erg_word : WORD;
 n: BYTE := 2;

erg_byte := SHL(in_byte,n); (* Result is 16#14, 2#00010100 *)
erg_word := SHL(in_word,n); (* Result is 16#0114, 2#0000000100010100 *)

