Command ‘Package Manager’

Symbol: 06256c89e3e59ab6c0a8640e01c2504f_3dca969ce424c2fdc0a8640e016e5511

Function: The command opens the dialog box Package Manager, where you can install, uninstall and manage packages.

Call: Main menu Tools

You can also call the package manager as a stand-alone application with the command line.

Currently installed packages

List of the already installed packages with Name, Version, Installation date, Update info, License information

If an update is available, CODESYS indicates this with an entry in the column Update info and with the symbol 06256c89e3e59ab6c0a8640e01c2504f_169f25a8e430e934c0a8640e000c958d .

Refresh Updates the list

Opens the standard dialog box for browsing for a package in the file system. The standard file type is *.package.

You can also install two versions of a package.

Following the selection of the package the setup wizard appears with the dialog box:

  • Installation - License Agreement

    CODESYS also displays the Checksum of the package in this dialog box.

    Appears only if the package contains a license agreement.

  • Choose Setup Type

    The options are package-dependant.

    • Complete setup: CODESYS installs all components.
    • Typical setup: CODESYS installs a standard set from components defined in the package.
  • Installation - target system versions: You select which of the already existing target system versions are to be updated by the package installation. You must select at least one version profile.


Uninstalls the selected package

  • If Display Versions is not activated, CODESYS uninstalls all versions of the selected package.
  • If Display Versions is activated and you have selected a package node at the highest level, CODESYS uninstalls all versions of the selected package.
  • If Display Versions is activated and you have selected a single package version, CODESYS uninstalls precisely this version.

Opens the dialog box Details for the selected package with the following tabs:

  • Package Details
    • Name: package name
    • Version:
    • Checksum: SHA-1 CRC of the package
    • Vendor:
    • Copyright:
    • Description:
    • Installation date:
  • License agreement:
  • Installation log:
Search for updates in background 06256c89e3e59ab6c0a8640e01c2504f_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : CODESYS automatically searches for updates after each start of the programming system and after that once per hour.
Display Versions 06256c89e3e59ab6c0a8640e01c2504f_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Displays all versions of the installed packages.


You can compare the CRC that CODESYS displays in the dialog box Details and in the dialog box Installation - License Agreement of the setup wizard with the package CRC of the package vendor. This way you can ensure that you have installed an original package.


If you install a newer version of the programming system in the same installation directory as the previous version, the license information for the packages already installed is retained and CODESYS displays the information in the dialog box Package Manager.

Search updates CODESYS displays updates found in the column Update info of the package list.
Download Installs the update package with the help of the dialog box Download Package. To do this, click on the Download and Installation button in the dialog box Download Package.