Command ‘Import/Export Text Lists’

Symbol: 1366ab0c5f30ddc6c0a8640e00269c45_ae6e38605fa75ec5c0a8640e01242825

Function: This command exports an active text list, imports a file or compares a text list with a file. The file is in the CSV format. The dialog box Import/Export offers options for this.

Call: Main menu Textlist ‣ Import/Export text lists, context menu

Requirement: A text list or a global text list is open and active.

Dialog box ‘Import/Export’

Choose file to compare or import

File that CODESYS reads out.

1366ab0c5f30ddc6c0a8640e00269c45_1c1810501108e68bc0a8640e01b2d0e8 opens the dialog box Choose text list file, in which you can select a file.

Choose export file

File into which CODESYS writes.

1366ab0c5f30ddc6c0a8640e00269c45_1c1810501108e68bc0a8640e01b2d0e8 opens the dialog box Choose text list file, in which you can select a file and a directory.

Import/Export type

Requirement: A file is selected in Choose file to compare or to import.

The file can contain text list entries both for the global text list and for text lists.

Global text list

  • CODESYS reads the file, compares the text list entries for the same source text and adopts differences in the translations. CODESYS overwrites the translations in the project if necessary.

Text lists

  • CODESYS reads the file, compares the text list entries for the same IDs and adopts differences in the source text and the translations into the project. CODESYS overwrites the text list entries in the project if necessary.
  • If the file contains a new ID, the text list entry is imported into the text list of the project and the text list is supplemented.
Import replacement file

Requirement: A replacement file is selected in Choose file to compare or import.

The replacement file contains replacements for the global text list.

CODESYS processes the replacement file line by line and carries out the specified replacements in the global text list.


Requirement: The file into which CODESYS writes is selected in Choose export file.

CODESYS exports all the texts from all the text lists in the current project. All the languages existing in the project are inserted as columns in the export file. The file can be used in order to have the language-dependent texts translated externally.

Export only text differences

Requirement: An import file for comparison is selected in Choose file to compare or to import; an export file into which CODESYS writes is selected in Choose export file.

CODESYS reads the import file and compares the lines of the active text list with it. CODESYS ignores lines that correspond. If lines differ, CODESYS writes the line into the export file and in doing so adopts translations from the text list if necessary. CODESYS adopts the translations from the import file and overwrites them if necessary.

See also