Unit Conversion

You define a conversion rule when you want to convert data for another system of units. This data is executed for a specific order of magnitude and unit of measure.

Conversion rules are defined in a Unit conversion object. CODESYS automatically implements each conversion rule as a function block <name>_Impl and instances it as <name>. Each conversion rule includes Convert and Reverse methods for use as function blocks. Locations where you access a variable, you can link the variable to a conversion rule. The input assistant provides conversion rules in the Functionblocks and Instance Calls categories. After execution, the result is a converted value according to the conversion rule.

In a visualization, an IEC variable that is configured in an element property can also be linked to a conversion rules.

Defining unit conversions

  1. Double-click a Unit conversion object in the device tree.

    The respective editor opens with a table of the defined conversion rules. You edit a rule in Type setting and a respective condition in Condition setting.

  2. Double-click the Add new entry field and type a name.

    CODESYS implements the <name>_Impl function block and instances it as <name>.

  3. Double-click the Type field and click a type from the drop-down list.

    Input fields are displayed below the table for editing the conversion rule. The input fields vary according to selected type.

  4. Change the conversion rule in the input fields.

    The changes are displayed in the Setting category of the table.

  5. Double-click the Condition field and click a condition type from the drop-down list.

    Input fields are displayed below the Condition setting category of the table to edit the condition. The input fields vary according to selected type.

  6. Edit the condition.

    The changes are displayed in the Condition setting category of the table.

Defining switchable unit conversions

You can define which conversion rule is applied to a specific language or condition.

  1. Double-click a Unit conversion object in the device tree.

    The respective editor opens with a table of the predefined conversion rules.

  2. Click the Add new entry field and type a name.

    Example: Conv_A_LanguageDependent

  3. Double-click the Type field and click Switchable conversion. Double-click the Condition field and click Language.

    Below the main table, the Switchable conversion table is displayed with Condition setting.

  4. In the Switchable conversion table, double-click a predefined conversion rule from the drop-down list in the Switchable conversion name column, for example Conv_AInInch.

    In Condition setting, type a value in the For condition ‘Language’ input field, for example en.

    CODESYS executes the Conv_AInInch conversion rule only if the language set in the visualization manager is en.

  5. In the Switchable conversion table, double-click a predefined conversion rule from the drop-down list in the Switchable conversion name column, for example Conv_AInMM.

    In Condition setting, type a value in the For condition ‘Language’ input field, for example de.

    CODESYS executes the Conv_AInMM conversion rule only if the language set in the visualization manager is de.

  6. Apply the Conv_A_LanguageDependent conversion rule in the application or visualization.

    If the set language in the visualization is English, then the application visualization apply the Conv_AInInch conversion rule. If the set language in the visualization is German, then the application visualization applies the Conv_AInMM conversion rule. The current visualization language is located in the VisuElems.CurrentLanguage variable.

Applying conversion rules

Add a conversion rule to objects that access IEC variables.

  1. In the device tree, double-click an object that accesses IEC variables in order to link an IEC variable to a conversion rule at that location.

  2. Declare a variable for the conversion result of the IEC variable.

    ST sample code: rConvertedA : REAL;

  3. Use the input assistant to apply the conversion rule with the Convert method and then assign the result to the variable.

    ST sample code to link the IEC variable to the conversion rule: rConvertedA := ConvRule_A.Convert(rA);

Applying reverse conversion rules

  1. In the device tree, double-click an object that accesses an IEC variable.

  2. Declare a variable for the result of the conversion rule.

    ST sample code: rReverseA: REAL;

  3. Apply the reverse conversion rule with the Reverse method and then assign the result to the variable.

    rReverseA := ConvRule_A.Reverse(rConvertedA);


Requirement: The conversion rule is Conv_XtoY.

ST call

\ rA : REAL;
\ rConvertedA : REAL;
\ rReverseToA : REAL;

rConvertedA := Conv_XtoY.Convert(rA);
rReverseToA := Conv_XtoY.Reverse(rConvertedA);

CFC call

In the CFC editor, define the instance name of the conversion rule via the block. Select the method in the block.


See also