Standard Menu in View ‘Devices’, ‘POUs’, ‘Modules’

The views Devices, POUs and Modules provide the button 25cf826757afa8dac0a8640e00c0a7d7_9467f54057cc1d0dc0a8640e00921e3f in the top right corner to open a menu with the following commands:

  • 25cf826757afa8dac0a8640e00c0a7d7_b6516f881e8ccf57c0a8640e01947982 Open in editor: Opens the selected object in the corresponding editor.
  • 25cf826757afa8dac0a8640e00c0a7d7_8b6a62d81e8ccf2dc0a8640e01947982 Find object: Opens the dialog Find Object for the object tree. Starting to enter a search string all matching objects will be displayed with their path. Use the button Open to open the selected search result in the editor.
  • Sort by type: Sorts the objects in the view alphabetic by type.
  • Sort by name: Sorts the objects in the view alphabetic by name.
  • Sort ascending: Displays the chosen sorting in ascending order.
  • Sort descending: Displays the chosen sorting in descending order.
  • Track active editor: CODESYS selects the object, that is opened in the active editor, in the device tree of the view.

See also