Operator ‘INI’


The INI operator is a CoDeSys V2.3 operator. In CODESYSV3, the FB_init method replaces the INI operator. You can still use this operator in projects that are imported from CoDeSys V2.3.

The INI operator is used for initializing retain variables of a function block instance used in a POU.

Assign the operator to a Boolean variable.

<Boolean variable> := INI(<FB instance, TRUE\\\|FALSE)

If the second parameter of the operator yields TRUE, then CODESYS initializes all retain variables that are defined in the FB function block.


fbinst is the instance of the function block fb1, where the retain variable retvar is defined.


Declaration in block:

\ fbinst : fb1;
\ b : BOOL;

Program part:

b := INI(fbinst, TRUE);
ivar := fbinst.retvar; (* => retvar is initialized *)



See also