FBD/LD/IL Element ‘Network’

Symbol 5e0522d2b1295d14c0a8640e016307d5_21ef5c4c5ff1c1bec0a8640e0052d982

A network is the base unit of an FBD or LD program. In the FBD/LD/IL editor, the networks are arranged in a list. Each network is provided with a sequential network number on the left side and can include: logical and arithmetic expressions, program/function/function block calls, jumps, or return statements.

An IL program consists of at least one network. This network can include all IL statements of the program.

You can provide each network with a title, comment, or label. In the CODESYS options (category FBD, LD, and IL, you can define whether network title, comment, and separator between individual networks are displayed in the editor.

Click the first line of the network to enter a network title. Click the second line of the network to enter a network comment.

See also