Command ‘Project localization’ - ‘Create localization template’

Function: This command opens the Create localization template dialog box. Define here which information should be exported from the project to a translation template (\*.pot file).

Call: Menu bar: Project ‣ Project localization.

Requirement: A project is open.

Dialog box ‘Create localization template’

This dialog is used for selecting the textual information that should be used in the localization template.

Include the following information
Names Texts, such as dialog captions and object names in the device tree
Identifier Variable identifier (example: Counter)
Strings Example: 'count' in the following declaration: strVar: STRING := 'count';
Comments Comment texts in the POUs
Position information

Selection of which positions of the selected text categories in the project should be included in the translation file. The position information is located in the first line(s) of a segment for a translation. Example:

#: D:\\Proj1.project\\Project_Settings:1

msgid "Project settings"

msgstr ""

  • All: All detected positions of the text are listed.
  • First appearance: In the translation file, the position is included in the project where the text to be translated appears for the first time.
  • None
Generate This button opens the dialog box for saving a file. The translation template is created in a text file of type \*.pot (portable object template). Each further generation creates a completely new template file.

See also

  • Online Help on CODESYS Visualization: Multilingualism