Command ‘Project localization’ - ‘Create localization template’¶
Function: This command opens the Create localization template dialog box. Define here which information should be exported from the project to a translation template (\*.pot
Call: Menu bar:
.Requirement: A project is open.
Dialog box ‘Create localization template’
This dialog is used for selecting the textual information that should be used in the localization template.
Names | Texts, such as dialog captions and object names in the device tree |
Identifier | Variable identifier (example: Counter ) |
Strings | Example: 'count' in the following declaration: strVar: STRING := 'count'; |
Comments | Comment texts in the POUs |
Position information | Selection of which positions of the selected text categories in the project should be included in the translation file. The position information is located in the first line(s) of a segment for a translation. Example:
Generate | This button opens the dialog box for saving a file. The translation template is created in a text file of type \*.pot (portable object template). Each further generation creates a completely new template file. |
See also
- Online Help on CODESYS Visualization: Multilingualism