Command ‘Cursor’

Symbol: 68b813d538b86c5cc0a8640e01176df2_b7fb2486904065fcc0a8640e0065ef74

Function: This function

  • inserts a trace cursor into the trace diagram when no trace cursor is available
  • inserts a second trace cursor into the trace diagram when 1 trace cursor is available
  • removes the trace cursors when 2 trace cursors are available

Call: Menu bar: Trace; context menu.

A trace cursor is a small black triangle with a vertical black line running parallel to the y-axis.

Trace diagram without trace cursors

In this mode, you can process the trace diagram with the mouse pointer. The x-value that focuses on with the cursor is displayed in the status bar with normal style. Example: Time: 1m23s456ms; Value: 1

Trace diagram with one trace cursor

In the status bar and y-value, CODESYS prints the time that was marked by the trace cursor. Example: Time: 1m23s456ms

Trace diagram with two trace cursors

In the status bar, CODESYS prints the two times and the time interval that are marked by the two trace cursors. Example: Time: 1m23s456ms - Time: 1m24s456ms (∆ 1s).

User input in the trace diagram

If one or two trace cursors are available, then you can move them along the x-axis.

Mouse Input Symbol Effect
Drag the triangle of a trace cursor to another position. ../_images/682e7b425d33e889c0a8640e00ce6e54 While the mouse button is pressed, the cursor can be moved without restriction. The current y-value is always displayed in the status bar. When the mouse button is released, the cursor jumps to the nearest measuring point
Keyboard Shortcuts Effect

Left arrow

Right arrow

CODESYS moves the black trace cursor to the next measuring point.

Shift+Left Arrow

Shift+Right Arrow

CODESYS moves the gray trace cursor to the next measuring point.

See also