Command ‘Start Page’

Symbol: 7122ac3210e20588c0a8640e01cbb66d_d406f1f67ce57404c0a8640e0106beb7

Function: This command opens the Start Page view.

Call: Main menu View

The view includes some basic commands and a list of recently opened projects. In addition, the CODESYS homepage is displayed.


If you access the Internet through a proxy, then you can save the authentication data in the project options (Proxy Settings) so you do not have to provide this data every time you use this command.

By moving the mouse pointer over the list of recently opened projects, you can remove or pin individual projects in the list. Pinned projects remain in this list until you remove the pin.

In the project options (Load and Save), you can configure whether this start page should open automatically when you start CODESYS.

See also