Command ‘User management’ – ‘Log out user’

Symbol: 74c48d16ed028363c0a8640e00c1d145_12ad8490ed0489adc0a8640e008153eb

The user currently logged in to the project is logged out again with this command. This takes place without a dialog box or message, unless no user is currently logged in.

The command is available in the menu Project ‣ User management.

If the user is currently logged in to several projects or to libraries integrated in them (it does not have to be the same user account), then the dialog box Logout opens, in which the specific project or library project can be selected from which the current user is to be logged out.

The status bar always displays the user who is currently logged into the project.

A double-click on the field Current user in the status bar enables quick access to the Login or Logout dialog box.

See also