Execution of an Online Change

CODESYS automatically offers you an online change if you log in with an application that is already present on the controller, but has been changed since the last download in the programming system. With this procedure only the modified parts are reloaded to the controller. A running program on the controller is not stopped during the online change.


When carrying out the online change, pay attention to the notes in the description of the Online Change command.

See also

Online change when logging in

Requirement: the connection settings of the controller are correctly set. The applications in the project and on the controller are identical. The project on the controller is running. The application is logged out.

  1. Change your application.

  2. Select the command Online ‣ Login

    A dialog box appears with the information that the application has been changed since the last download.

  3. Click on the Details… button

  4. Check the details in the Application Information tab.

    If you have not generated any code since the last change, the command Application not up to date. Generate code now? appears at the bottom edge of the dialog box. In this case click on this command.

    You are shown a comparison view of the objects – objects marked red are different.

  5. Close the dialog box.

  6. Select the option Login with online change and click on OK.

    The change is loaded to the controller. The running program on the controller is not stopped while doing this. The application is logged in.

See also

Online change in the logged-in state (online operation)

Requirement: the connection settings of the controller are correctly set. The applications in the project and on the controller are identical. The project on the controller is running. The application is logged in.

  1. Select an object in the device tree. It is best to select a POU or a GVL here.

  2. Select the command Project ‣ Edit Object (Offline).

    The object opens in the editor.

  3. Change the object. For example, you can declare a new variable or change a value assignment here.

  4. Select the command Online ‣ Online Change.

    A query will appear, asking whether you really want to execute the online change.

  5. Confirm the dialog box with Yes.

    The change is loaded to the controller.