Command ‘Multiple Download’

Function: This command causes the code generation of the applications contained in the project as well as the loading of the applications to the corresponding controllers.

Call: Menu bar: Online.

This command opens a dialog box with a list of the applications. In this dialog box, select the applications that are to be loaded. Then, CODESYS performs the syntax check of these applications and generates the respective code. The code is then downloaded to the respective PLC. For each selected application, CODESYS generates a build log with the name <project name>.<device name>.<application ID>.compile info in the project directory.


If a safety controller is inserted below a PLC, then this command can temporarily interrupt the communication links of the safety controller to other safety controllers (via safety network variables), to field devices, and to the development system. The safe field devices and the other safety controller can enter the safe state as a reaction. The connection to the development system is affected only in the case of a safety controller that is connected to the main controller via a fieldbus. For more information, refer to the section “Subordinate Safety Controllers”.

Dialog box ‘Multiple download’

Please select the applications 80b6ceffd313d207c0a8640e01914b7b_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Selection of the applications. The applications are thereby also loaded to different controllers.
Move up, Move down

Change of the order of download of the applications.

CODESYS downloads the applications to the PLCs in the order of this list. By default this list is alphabetically sorted. Parent-child relationships of applications are thereby taken into account.

OK CODESYS performs a syntax check of all selected applications. Then, CODESYS verifies the communication with the PLC for each application before download.
Online change options
If an earlier version already exists on the PLC and is different from the current version, then the following options are provided:
Attempt online change. If not possible, execute download Activated by default.  If an online change cannot be executed for one of the applications, then CODESYS performs a download.
Force online change. If not possible, cancel operation If an online change cannot be performed for (at least) one of the applications, CODESYS does not perform a download, but cancels (for example, if you have executed the command Clean all beforehand).
Always execute full download CODESYS downloads all parts of the applications to the PLC, regardless of any existing versions.

For selected applications that do not exist on the PLC yet, CODESYS performs a download automatically to the PLC.

Additional options
Delete all applications from the controller that are not contained in the project 80b6ceffd313d207c0a8640e01914b7b_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Corresponding applications are deleted
Start all applications after download or online change 80b6ceffd313d207c0a8640e01914b7b_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The applications are started after the download/online change.
Do not release forced variables

80b6ceffd313d207c0a8640e01914b7b_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : If an application with forced variables is already located on the controller, and if the implementation of this application has been changed, then no download is performed for this application.

The message Error: Skipped because one or more variables are forced appears for this application in the window Multiple download - Result.


Note that variables of the type PERSISTENT are not generally initialized. If you change the data layout, however, the persistent variables are automatically re-initialized.

After completion of the download a listing of all selected applications appears in the download order that you configured. In addition, you are shown information on the success of the download for each application.

See also