String Constants

A string constant is a character string enclosed in single straight quotation marks. The characters are coded according to the character set specified in ISO/IEC 8859-1. Therefore, a string constant can include spaces and accented characters, as these belong to this character set. This is also referred to as a string literal, or simply a string.

Example: 'Hello world!'

When a dollar sign ($) is in a string constant, the following two characters are interpreted as a hexadecimal code according to the coding in ISO/IEC 8859-1. The code also corresponds to ASCII code. In addition, please note the special cases.

Hexadecimal code
String with $ code Interpretation
'$<8-bit code>' 8-bit code: Two-digit hexadecimal number that is interpreted according to ISO/IEC 8859-1.
'$41' A
'$9A' ©
'$40' @
'$0D' Control character: Line break (corresponds to ‘$R’)
'$0A' Control character: New line (corresponds to ‘$L’ and ‘$N’)
Special cases
String with $ code Interpretation
'$L', ' $l' Control character: Line feed (corresponds to '$0A')
'$N', '$n' Control character: New line (corresponds to '$0A')
'$P', '$p' Control character: Form feed
'$R', '$r' Control character: Line break (corresponds to '$0D')
'$T', '$t' Control character: Tab
'$$' Dollar sign: §
'$'' Single straight quotation mark: '


Constant declaration

\ constA : STRING := 'Hello world';
\ constB : STRING := 'Hello world $21'; // Hello world!