Dialog Box ‘Options’ - ‘Text Editor’

Symbol: 925728e24f8a1565c0a8640e005b0b28_c44ba3c24f955642c0a8640e013d66be

Function: This dialog box contains settings for working in a text editor.

Call: Menu Tools ‣ Options, category Text editor

Tab ‘Editing’

Number of undos Maximum number of editing steps to which you can apply the command Edit ‣ Undo.

Defines the structuring of the code through indentations.

If you select an indentation, you can expand or collapse the indentation section with the help of a plus or a minus sign respectively before the first line of the respective section.

  • Indent: All lines that are indented in comparison with the preceding line are summarized by CODESYS in an indentation unit.
  • Explicit: you explicitly mark the code section to be summarized in an indentation unit with comments: before the section there must be a comment containing 3 opening curly parentheses ‘{{{‘; after the section there must be a comment containing 3 closing curly parentheses ‘}}}’. The comments can contain additional text. Example:
Word wrap
  • Soft: The word wrap takes place at the edge of the editor window if 0 is entered for wrap margin.
  • Hard: The word wrap takes place after the number of characters specified for the wrap margin.
Tab width Number of characters
Keep tabs 925728e24f8a1565c0a8640e005b0b28_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The empty space that you inserted with the Tab key is not resolved into spaces afterwards by CODESYS.
Entente width If you have activated the option Automatically indentIntelligent or Intelligent with code completion, CODESYS inserts the number of spaces at the beginning of the line.
Auto Indent
  • None
  • Block: a new line automatically adopts the indentation of the preceding line.
  • Smart: Lines that follow a line containing a keyword (for example VAR) are automatically indented by the specified indentation size.
  • Smart with code completion: indentation as with the option Smart, but CODESYS additionally inserts the concluding keyword (for example END_VAR).

Tab ‘Text area’

Matching If the cursor is positioned before or after a parenthesis within a code line, CODESYS marks the associated closing or opening parenthesis with a frame in the set color.
End of line markers CODESYS marks the end of each editor line with a small dash in the set color behind the last character (including spaces) of the line.
Wrap guide If a soft or hard word wrap is activated, the defined word wrap point is indicated by a vertical line in the selected color.
Caret color Color of the cursor character
Selection color Color of the selected text area
Folded line foreground Color of the header of a closed, indented section in the code
Folded line background The header of a closed, indented section in the code is given a colored background
Font A click on the field opens the common dialog for the configuration of the font.

Tab ‘Margin’

Settings for the left-hand border of the text editor window, which is separated from the input area by a vertical line:
Line numbering Display of the line numbers in the declaration and implementation part, in each case starting with 1
Foreground color Color of the line numbers
Background color Color of the border
Show bracked scope

A parenthesization encompasses the lines between the keywords that open and close a construct, for example IF and END_IF.

If this option is activated and the cursor is located before, after or in one of the keywords of a construct, the parenthesization area is indicated by a square parenthesis in the border. You can select the color of the parenthesization from the selection list of this option.

Focused border color Color of the dividing line between the border and input area
Unfocused border color Color of the dividing line between the border and input area of the part of the window that is presently inactive
Mouse actions

You can assign one of the following actions to each of the specified mouse actions or mouse button combinations. CODESYS executes the actions if you execute the mouse action on the plus or minus sign before the header of a parenthesized area:

  • Select fold: CODESYS selects all lines of the parenthesized area.
  • Toggle fold: CODESYS opens or closes the parenthesized area or, if there are nested parenthesizations, the first level of the parenthesized area.
  • Toggle fold fully: CODESYS opens or closes all levels of a nested parenthesized area.

Tab ‘Monitoring’

Settings for the display of the monitoring fields
Enable inline monitoring Display of the monitoring fields behind the variables in online mode
Monitoring foreground color Display of the value in the monitoring field
Monitoring background color Display of the background in the monitoring field
Flow control foreground color Display of the value in the monitoring fields at the flow control positions
Flow control background color Display of the background in the monitoring fields at the flow control positions
Number of displayed digits Number of decimal places in the monitoring field
String length Maximum length of string variable values in the monitoring field

See also