Dialog box ‘Project settings’ – ‘Download source code’

Symbol: 9baac6246f864f08c0a8640e004c7a48_9e5369f96f8cb986c0a8640e007fe0fa

Function: this dialog box defines the compilation and the storage of the source code as a source-code download archive on one or more controllers.

Call: Project ‣ Project settings menu, Download source code category

A source-code download archive is a project archive with the name Archiv.prj.


The settings affect the command Online ‣ Load source code to connected controller. These settings do not affect the command File ‣ Load source code to controller.

Target device
Defines the location of the project archive.
<name of controller> Selected controller. CODESYS loads the project archive to this controller. Requirement: the project contains several controllers.
<all devices in the project> CODESYS loads the project archive to all controllers in the project.
Defines the contents of the project archive.
Use compact download

9baac6246f864f08c0a8640e004c7a48_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The project archive contains only that device in the project that contains the active application.

9baac6246f864f08c0a8640e004c7a48_4681610f0c058035c0a8640e0049916a : The project archive contains all the devices in the project

Additional files Opens the Additional files dialog box, in which you can select additional files for downloading.
Defines the time at which CODESYS creates a project archive.
Implicit in the case of program download and online change Each time an application is loaded or an online change is made, CODESYS additionally loads the project archive to the target device(s) with no further prompt.
Implicit when creating a boot application Each time a boot application is created, CODESYS additionally loads the project archive to the target device(s) with no further prompt.
Implicit in the case of creation of a boot application, download and online change Each time a boot application is created, an application is loaded or an online change is made, CODESYS additionally loads the project archive to the target device(s) with no further prompt.
Prompt in case of program download and online change Each time an application is loaded or an online change is made, CODESYS opens a prompt, where you can select whether CODESYS should load the project archive to the controller.
Only on request A prompt opens only if the command Online ‣ Load source code to connected controller is called. There you can select whether CODESYS should load the project archive to the controller.

See also