Command ‘Properties’

Function: This command opens the Properties dialog box for the library selected in the library manager.


  • Library menu
  • Context menu of the selected library
  • addd92672ae0c16bc0a8640e011af5c6_24261f0f30dad114c0a86463658b2c9b symbol in the toolbar of the library manager

Requirement: A library is selected.


This dialog is intended for library developers. Please use this only if you have profound knowledge of library referencing. In addition, please follow the guidelines for library developers.

See also

  • Guidelines for Developing Libraries: guidelines

Dialog box ‘Properties’


Namespace of the selected library. By default, this is identical to the library name, unless it was defined explicitly in the project information when the library was created. You can change the namespace for the open project.

Example: LA


Library that triggers the placeholder when no other trigger is defined or is possible.

Requirement: The selected library is a library placeholder, and therefore the setting is available.

Note: Regarding compiler version and later: In the case of library placeholders that have a trigger in the device description and that located in the library manager of the POUs view, the placeholder is always triggered automatically according to the description of the device for which the application is compiled.


If the selected library is developed in compliance with the “Guidelines for Developing Libraries”, then we do not recommend that you change the following settings.


Selection of version constraint

Requirement: The settings are available only if the selected library is not a library placeholder.

Note: Container and interface libraries are created automatically with library references with version constraint. As far as possible, do not create libraries that include library references with version constraint. Otherwise, you reference the libraries by placeholders. Edit a placeholder resolution in the Placeholders dialog box.

Specific version

addd92672ae0c16bc0a8640e011af5c6_a55305b7669c9a43c0a8640e01a09654 : (selected from drop-down list) Version is integrated into the project.

Note: This option is strongly recommended for container libraries, and it is usually preset for this library type.

Newest version always

addd92672ae0c16bc0a8640e011af5c6_a55305b7669c9a43c0a8640e01a09654 : The library repository is scanned and the latest detected version is integrated.

Note: If a newer library version is available, then the library modules that are actually used can change. This option is strongly recommended for interface libraries, and it is usually preset for this library type.

Only allow qualified access to all identifiers. addd92672ae0c16bc0a8640e011af5c6_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Library modules (and variables) are called in the project only with prepended namespace paths.
If the current project is referenced as a library by another project. Note: Changing the following settings makes sense only if you created a library with your project and therefore opened a library project. In this way, the selected library is referenced in the new library.
Publish all IEC symbols to that project as if this reference would have been included there directly.

addd92672ae0c16bc0a8640e011af5c6_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : As a container library, the selected library makes the content of the referenced library visible at the top level (later in a project).

Requirement: A container project is created with a library project. A container library does not implement its own modules, but references other libraries exclusively. It bundles libraries. A container library can be employed sensibly to bundle multiple libraries (in a reference) in a project. This option must be activated for each library reference.

Symbolic access to library modules: <namespace of container library>.<module name>

addd92672ae0c16bc0a8640e011af5c6_4681610f0c058035c0a8640e0049916a : The contents of the referenced library is accessed uniquely by means of the namespace. The path name consists of the library name and the unique name (library reference), and it is prepended to the module name.

Requirement: No container project is created with a library project.

Unique symbolic access to the library module: <namespace of library>.<namespace of sublibrary>.<module name>.

Do not show this reference in the dependency tree.

addd92672ae0c16bc0a8640e011af5c6_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The selected library is not displayed in the library manager as a library reference (later in a project). The library is a hidden reference.

Warning: If there are compile errors resulting from hidden library errors, then detecting the errors may be difficult.

addd92672ae0c16bc0a8640e011af5c6_4681610f0c058035c0a8640e0049916a : The selected library is displayed as a library reference (later in a project).

Optional (if the library is missing, no error will be reported). addd92672ae0c16bc0a8640e011af5c6_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The selected library is treated as optional. When downloading the project that references the library, no error is reported, even if the library is not available in the library repository.

See also