
You define a structure by a DUT object in your project via command Add Object.

The structure declaration starts with the keywords TYPE and STRUCT and ends with END_STRUCT and END_TYPE.

Syntax for the structure declaration:

TYPE <structurname>:
\ <declaration of variable 1>
\ ...
\ <declaration of variable n>

<structure name> is a type, which will is valid in the whole project and which you can use like a standard data type.

You also can use nested structures. Thereby the only restriction is, that you not may assign variables to addresses (the AT-declaration is not allowed!).

Example of a structure definition, named “polygonline”

TYPE polygonline:
\ start:ARRAY [1..2] OF INT;
\ point1:ARRAY [1..2] OF INT;
\ point2:ARRAY [1..2] OF INT;
\ point3:ARRAY [1..2] OF INT;
\ point4:ARRAY [1..2] OF INT;
\ end:ARRAY [1..2] OF INT;

See also

Initialization of structures


poly_1 : polygonline := ( start:=[3,3], point1 := [5,2], point2 : [7,3], point3 := [8,5], point4 := [5,7], end := [3,5]);

You may not use initializations with variables. For an example of the initialization of an array of a structure see the help page on data type ARRAY.

See also

Accessing structure components

You gain access to structure components using the following syntax:


So for the above mentioned example of the structure polygonline you can access the component start by poly_1.start.

See also

Accessing bits in structures

The datatype BIT is a special datatype which can only be defined in structures. It consumes memory space of 1 bit and allows to address single bits of a structure by name.

TYPE <structurename>:
\ <Bitname bit1> : BIT;
\ <Bitname bit2> : BIT;
\ <Bitname bit3> : BIT;
\ ...
\ <Bitname bitn> : BIT;

You gain access to the structure component BIT by using the following syntax:



The usage of references and pointers on BIT variables is not possible. Furthermore BIT variables are not allowed in arrays.

See also