Resetting Applications

Resetting the application stops the program and resets the variables to their initialization values. Depending on the type of reset, retain variables and persistent variables are also reset.

  • Reset warm: All variables are reset, except RETAIN and PERSISTENT variables.
  • Reset cold: All variables are reset, except PERSISTENT variables.
  • Reset origin: All variables are reset.
  • Reset origin device: All variables are reset and all applications are deleted.

The following sample program and instructions clarify the functionality of the various resets.

See also

Sample program


\ iVar: INT := 0;
\ iVarRetain: INT :=0;
\ iVarPersistent : INT:= 0;


iVar := 100;
iVarRetain := 200;
iVarPersistent :=300;
  1. Insert the Persistent Variables object below the application and open it in the editor.

  2. Click Build ‣ Build.

  3. Click Declare ‣ Add all instance paths.

    The instance path of the persistent variables is inserted.

  4. Load the application to the controller.

Executing a “Reset warm”, “Reset cold”, and “Reset origin”

Requirement: The sample program runs on the controller.

  1. Click Online ‣ Login to switch to online mode.

  2. Monitor the variables iVar, iVarRetain, and iVarPersistent.

  3. Click Online ‣ Reset warm.

    You are prompted whether you really want to execute the command.

  4. Click Yes to confirm.

    The application is reset. The iVar variable is set to the initialization value 0. Both of the other variables retain their values.

  5. Click Online ‣ Reset cold.

    You are prompted whether you really want to execute the command.

  6. Confirm by clicking Yes.

    The application is reset. The iVar and iVarRetain variables are set to the initialization value 0. The iVarPersistent variable retains its value.

  7. Click Online ‣ Reset origin.

    You are prompted whether you really want to execute the command.

  8. Confirm by clicking Yes.

    The application is reset. All variables are reset to their initialization values.

See also