Command ‘Statistics’

Function: This command opens the Trace Statistics dialog box, which shows statistics about each trace variable.

Call: Main menu Trace, or right-click.

Requirement: The trace editor contains samples.

Dialog Box ‘Trace Statistics’

The analyzed time range and duration are shown in the caption.

The table contains one line per signal.

Signal Name pf the trace variable (for example, PLC_PRG.S1)
Index 0-based index of the signal order
N Number of measurements for the calculations
Min Smallest value
Avg Average
Median Middle value when the values are ordered by size
RMS Root mean square
StdDev Standard deviation
Max Largest value
Integral Integral
MinΔt [s] Smallest change of time intervals for successive values
AvgΔt [s] Average change of time intervals for successive values
MedianΔt [s] Median change of time intervals for successive values
StdDevΔt [s] Standard deviation of change of time intervals for successive values
MaxΔt [s] Largest change of time intervals for successive values
Click a column head in the table.

CODESYS sorts the table by that column, changing the order from ascending to descending and back.

Default: The table is sorted ascending by the Index column. The signals are then sorted in the same order as in the signal tree.

Click in the line. The line is selected. You can select or clear other lines by pressing Shift+arrow up or down.

CODESYS copies the selected lines as text to the clipboard. The values of the individual columns are tab-separated, and the lines are delimited with the control character CR or LF.

Requirement: At least one line is selected.

See also