Command ‘Statistics’¶
Function: This command opens the Trace Statistics dialog box, which shows statistics about each trace variable.
Call: Main menu
, or right-click.Requirement: The trace editor contains samples.
Dialog Box ‘Trace Statistics’
The analyzed time range and duration are shown in the caption.
The table contains one line per signal.
Signal | Name pf the trace variable (for example, PLC_PRG.S1 ) |
Index | 0-based index of the signal order |
N | Number of measurements for the calculations |
Min | Smallest value |
Avg | Average |
Median | Middle value when the values are ordered by size |
RMS | Root mean square |
StdDev | Standard deviation |
Max | Largest value |
Integral | Integral |
MinΔt [s] | Smallest change of time intervals for successive values |
AvgΔt [s] | Average change of time intervals for successive values |
MedianΔt [s] | Median change of time intervals for successive values |
StdDevΔt [s] | Standard deviation of change of time intervals for successive values |
MaxΔt [s] | Largest change of time intervals for successive values |
Click a column head in the table. | CODESYS sorts the table by that column, changing the order from ascending to descending and back. Default: The table is sorted ascending by the Index column. The signals are then sorted in the same order as in the signal tree. |
Click in the line. | The line is selected. You can select or clear other lines by pressing Shift +arrow up or down. |
Ctrl +C |
CODESYS copies the selected lines as text to the clipboard. The values of the individual columns are tab-separated, and the lines are delimited with the control character Requirement: At least one line is selected. |
See also