Command ‘Step Out’

Symbol fb24651445fe14dfc0a8640e00a86db9_5dda4e331e8c5e79c0a8640e01947982 , keyboard shortcut Ctrl-F11

Function: This command runs the program until it returns to the start of the program or returns to the calling program.

Call: Main menu Debug

Requirement: The application is in online mode and the program is halted at a breakpoint.

This command runs the program until it returns to the start of the program or returns to the calling program.

If a program does not include any calls, then the command “Step Out” runs the program until it returns to the start of the program. If the current position is inside a called POU, then this command runs the program until it jumps to the calling block. Therefore, you can use this command for nested calls to step back in the call hierarchy.

See also