Dialog Box ‘Device Conversion’¶
Function: The settings in this dialog define, how references to libraries that are not available any longer, shall be treated
Call: The dialog box opens when a CoDeSys V2.3 project is opened in CODESYSV3 and the converter detects a device that cannot be used any longer.
Use the following device that has already been installed | The device that previously has been used will be replaced in the device tree by another device. The button Browse opens a dialog to select the new device from the local device repository. |
Ignore the device. All application specific objects will not be available in the new project | The device entry including all inserted objects below will be removed from the device tree. |
Remember this mapping for all future occurrences of that device | The settings of this dialog will be saved to the CODESYS options, category CODESYS V2.3 Converter. Therefore the settings are valid for future project conversions. |
See also