Known Issues and Frequently Asked Questions

Supported compiler toolchains:

  • GCC 4.7.3


Support for Windriver DIAB 5.9.2 has been dropped.

Supported compiler toolchains for AC500 PLCs are shipped along with Automation Builder.

If using another version or another C/C++ cross compiler toolchain or to modify the predefined environment settings, the compiler settings must be configured manually:

  1. From the Tools menu select Options. From the menu list select C compiler settings.


    Defining compiler settings.

  2. Open the GCC <> tab.

  3. Under Environment Variables click New to enter the path to compiler executable.

  4. Under Include path click New to add custom include paths. The include path to FWAPI is automatically detected and cannot be changed.


Changes on the preset FWAPI path lead to ending support service.

Specifying optimization level –Os (size) for GCC results in linker errors:

When optimizing for size, GCC uses primitives for saving and restoring GPR and FPR registers from libgcc. Since C/C++ application is not linked against libgcc, this results in link errors (symbol not found). Therefore optimization level –Os is not available in the compiler settings.

Restrictions on C :

Language elements: ANSI C and C99 language extension are supported.

Restrictions on C++ :

  • Online change functionality is not available, if C++ toolchain is used. After changes in IEC application part, always a full download will occur.

  • Language elements: ISO C++98 and ISO C++2003 C++ dialects are supported as it is supported by GCC –std option.

  • We currently do not support:

    • RTTI (Runtime Type Information)
    • Exceptions

    When existing code is imported, please ensure that the code works with these restrictions.

Restrictions for PM595:

Do not use 64-bit data types (LREAL, LINT, ULINT, LWORD) as return value of Function POUs.

Workaround: Use either Function Block POU, or encapsulate 64-bit return values in a STRUCT declaration and return this data instead.

Problems with accessing Function Block parameters from C/C++ application:

In order to convert the parameter names of POUs or DUTs automatically, follow the following rules:

  • Function Block parameters/DUT members get converted to uppercase (e.g. FirstParam -> FIRSTPARAM).
  • Function parameters get converted to uppercase and a postfix is added (e.g. abc -> ABCparam).

Using standard output/standard error:

Access to standard streams (e.g. via printf, puts, etc.) is not available. Please use standard file access instead (e.g. fprintf, fputs, etc.).

Supported parts of C standard library:


A description on available functions in the standard library (FWAPI functions) is provided under <AB InstallDirectory>\CCodeToolchain\FWAPI\2.4\doc\index.html.

Header Description Supported Remarks
assert.h Contains the assert macro, used to assist with detecting logical errors and other error types in debugging versions of a program. Yes -
complex.h A set of functions for manipulating complex numbers. Yes -
ctype.h Defines a set of functions used to classify characters by their types or to convert between uppercase and lowercase in a way that is independent of the used character set (typically ASCII or one of its extensions, although implementations utilizing EBCDIC are also known). Partially Not supported: setchrclass
errno.h For testing error codes reported by library functions. Yes -
fenv.h Defines a set of functions for controlling floating-point environment. Yes -
float.h Defines macro constants specifying the implementation-specific properties of the floating-point library. Yes -
inttypes.h Defines exact-width integer types. Yes -
iso646.h Defines several macros that are equivalent to some of the operators in C. For programming in ISO-646 variant character sets. Yes -
limits.h Defines macro constants specifying the implementation-specific properties of the integer types. Yes -
locale.h Defines localization functions. Yes Standard C/POSIX locales only
math.h Defines common mathematical functions. Partially (ANSI and C99)

Not supported:


setjmp.h Declares the macros setjmp and longjmp, which are used for non-local exits. Yes -
signal.h Defines signal handling functions. No -
stdalign.h For querying and specifying the alignment of objects. No Part of C11: Not supported by GCC 4.7.3
stdarg.h For accessing a varying number of arguments passed to functions. Yes -
stdatomic.h For atomic operations on data shared between threads. No Part of C11: Not supported by GCC 4.7.3
stdbool.h Defines a boolean data type. Yes -
stddef.h Defines several useful types and macros. Yes -
stdint.h Defines exact-width integer types. Yes -
stdio.h Defines core input and output functions. Partially

Not supported:

Operations on files: tmpfile, tmpnam

File access: freopen, setbuf, setvbuf

Formatted input/output: scanf, vscanf

Character input/output: getc, getchar, gets, ungetc

Error-handling: clearerr, ferror, perror


stdlib.h Defines numeric conversion functions, pseudo-random numbers generation functions, memory allocation, process control functions. Partially

Not supported:

Pseudo-random sequence generation: srand

Environment: abort, atexit, at_quick_exit, exit, getenv, quick_exit, system, _Exit

Integer arithmetics: llabs, lldiv

Multibyte characters /strings: mblen, mbtowc, wctomb, mbstowcs, wcstombs


stdnoreturn.h For specifying non-returning functions. No Part of C11: Not supported by DIAB C lib and GCC 4.7.3
string.h Defines string handling functions. Partially

Not supported:

Comparison: strcoll, strxfrm

Searching: strtok (alternative: strtok_r)

Other: strerror

tgmath.h Defines type-generic mathematical functions. Yes -
threads.h Defines functions for managing multiple threads as well as mutexes and condition variables. No Part of C11: Not supported by GCC 4.7.3
time.h Defines date and time handling functions. Partially

Not supported:

Conversion: localtime

uchar.h Types and functions for manipulating unicode characters. No -
wchar.h Defines wide string handling functions. No -
wctype.h Defines set of functions used to classify wide characters by their types or to convert between uppercase and lowercase. No -

Supported parts of C++ standard library:


A description on available functions in the standard library (FWAPI functions) is provided under <AB InstallDirectory>\CCodeToolchain\FWAPI\2.4\doc\index.html.

Header Description Supported
<c*> (.h) C library headers Yes
array Containers No
bitset Containers No
deque Containers No
forward_list Containers No
list Containers No
map Containers No
queue Containers No
set Containers No
stack Containers No
unordered_map Containers No
unordered_set Containers No
vector Containers No
ios Input/output base classes No
streambuf Stream buffer No
istream Input streams No
ostream Output streams No
iostream Standard input/output streams library No
fstream File streams No
sstream String streams No
iomanip IO manipulators No
iosfwd Input/output forwarding No
atomic Atomics and threading library No
condition_variable Atomics and threading library No
future Atomics and threading library No
mutex Atomics and threading library No
thread Atomics and threading library No
algorithm Algorithms No
chrono Time No
complex Complex numbers No
functional Function objects No
initializer_list Initializer list No
iterator Iterator definitions No
limits Numeric limits No
memory Memory elements No
new Dynamic memory Yes
numeric Generalized numeric operations No
random Random No
ratio Ratio header No
regex Regular expressions No
string Strings No
system_error System errors No
tuple Tuple library No
typeindex Type index No
typeinfo Type information No
type_traits type_traits No
utility Utility components No
valarray Library for arrays of numeric values No

Floating point instructions:

Support for floating point instructions (single and double precision) in hardware.


At the moment the development environment does not support debugger, i.e. debugging while running on PLC target is not possible.

Linking third-party binaries or libraries:

At the moment it is not possible to link against third-party binaries or libraries.

Adding third-party source code to C/C++ applications:

Programming in C-Code

Compiler/linker options for compiling C/C++ code:


These compiler/linker settings are activated by default, and cannot be changed by end-users, since otherwise compilation/linking may fail or lead to unexpected results.

In addition to that, following options are configurable by end users via C/C++ compiler settings dialog.

Compile options:
Type of PLC GCC (C) G++ (C++)
PM55x, PM56x, PM57x, PM58x












PM590, PM591, PM592



































Dialect options:

GCC (C):
Option GCC (C)
C99 -std=c99
ANSI -ansi
G++ (C++):
Option GCC (C)
ISO C++98 -std=c++98
ISO C++03 -std=c++03

Optimization options:

Option GCC (C) and G++ (C++)
none -
normal -O2
extra -O3

Linker options:


Linker options are used in exactly the order as shown in the following table.

C C++












userapplication.obj userapplication.obj
- -lstdc++





-o user_libname.obj





-o user_libname.obj



Why are VAR_IN_OUT parameters of a Function Block not initialized in corresponding init function?

During initialization of the Function Block the pointer BYTE \*B; is not valid. It is getting valid during first call of the Function Block in IEC, therefore it is first accessible in FB main function code.

CODESYS compiler complains about unresolved symbols _f_sub, __subsf3, …:

Your PLC uses math emulation. Please include math standard library (math.h) to support this.

Type char:

Type char is implemented as unsigned char. Hence, its definition is equal to IEC type BYTE.

Why does GCC generate code that aborts application when va_list is used?

If you use va_list, GCC performs an automatic type promotion of the list members:

  • char/shortint
  • unsigned char/unsigned shortunsigned int
  • floatdouble

When extracting list members with va_arg(), ensure using the promoted type (e.g. int instead of char). We recommend you, to check the compiler warnings. In case of type mismatch, GCC will throw a warning similar to the following:

warning: 'unsigned char' is promoted to 'int' when passed through '...' [enabled by default]

note: (so you should pass 'int' not 'unsigned char' to 'va_arg')

note: if this code is reached, the program will abort


In this case call to va_arg(). Otherwise GCC will insert a trap instruction, that halts your application.

Parameters of POU or the members of data types defined in Automation Builder differ from definition in C sources:

On code generation, parameters of POU and members of data types are slightly transformed:

  • Names of POU and data types are converted to uppercase (e.g. mypou -> MYPOU).
  • Parameters of POUs and members of data types are converted to uppercase.
  • Parameters of POU type FUNCTION: A postfix “param” is added (e.g. myByte -> MYBYTEparam).

Number of POUs or data types for a Automation Builder project:

Up to 50 POUs or data types can be created in one single Automation Builder project.

Searching for a POU or data type name in Automation Builder:

Search with Edit -> Find/Replace -> Find does not work is not supported yet.

Online change after changes in C/C++ application parts:

After a change in C/C++ application part, online change is not possible. Perform a “Clean All” function before downloading to PLC.

If changes are in IEC code only, online changes are still possible.