Use of KeyboardΒΆ

If you would like to run the program using only the keyboard, you will find it necessary to use a few commands that are not found in the menu.

  • The function key F6 allows you to toggle back and forth within the open POU between the Declaration and the Instruction parts.
  • Alt + F6 allows you to move from an open object to the Object Organizer and from there to the Message window if it is open. If a Search box is open, Alt + F6 allows you to switch from Object Organizer to the Search box and from the there back to the object.
  • Press Ctrl + F6 to move to the next open editor window, press Ctrl + Shift + F6 to get to the previous
  • Press Tab to move through the input fields and buttons in the dialog boxes.
  • The arrow keys allow you to move through the register cards and objects within the Object Organizer and Library Manager.

All other actions can be performed using the menu commands or with the shortcuts listed after the menu commands. Shift + F10 opens the context menu which contains the commands most frequently used for the selected object or for the active editor.