Files in IEC 61131-3 editor

The following files can be created with IEC 61131-3 editor:

File Extension Example Description Format Path (Default)
*.pro IEC 61131-3 editor project file binary project directory
*.ci project01<number>.ci

Information on the last build (compilation) of the project -> incremental compile possible; only created when project gets saved

number: coded Target-ID

binary project directory
*.eci project01<number>.eci

external Compile-Information; Subset of the ci-file in eci-format; can be read via an access-dll

number: coded Target-ID

PE project directory
*.cic project01<number>.cic

target-dependant information on the last  build (compilation) of the project -> incremental compile possible; only created when project gets saved

number: coded Target-ID

binary project directory
*.cit project01<number>.cit

temporary *.ci-file; created at target change, transformed to a ci-file at next save of the project

number: coded Target-ID

binary project directory
*.ri project01<number>.ri

information on the last download, important for Online Change; created at each download

number: coded Target-ID

binary project directory
*.exp project01.exp, PLC_PRG.exp export file (‘Project’ ‘Export’) Export format (Text) project directory





translation file (defined in ‘Project’ ‘Translate in another language’) Text  
*.sym project01.sym symbol file Text project directory
*.sdb project01.sdb symbol file binary project directory
*.sym_xml project01.sym_xml symbol file XML project directory
*.asd project01.asd save file (temporary, ‘Auto save’, ‘Auto save before compile’) binary project directory
*.asl lib01.asl save file for a library opened as project in IEC 61131-3 editor (temporary, ‘Auto save’, ‘Auto save before compile’) binary library resp. project directory
*.bak project01.bak backup file for project (permanent, ‘Create backup’) binary project directory





boot project, file name depending on target binary

target system (created online)

project directory (created offline)




checksum for boot projekt code binary

target system (created online)

project directory (created offline)

*.ini codesys.ini ini-file for various IEC 61131-3 editor settings Text with codesys.exe



frame file (Printer setup) binary with codesys.exe
*.asm code386.asm assembler-Listing of the created project code Text compile directory
*.lst project01.lst assembler-Listing of the created project code Text compile directory
*.bpl project01.bpl debug-files (breakpoint-information) Text compile directory
*.st debug-files, implicit ST-code Text compile directory
*.map map-file; information on memory organization and variable locations Text compile directory



project01.hex (Output) resp. standard.hex (Lib) .hex for Intel or Motorola, .h86 for Intel; compiler output or input for external library Intel or Motorola hex-files

compile directory

resp. library directory

*.trd projectxy0.trd trend logging (number befor the dot is counted up, if file is full and another must be created) Text project directory
*.log projectxy.log log file (Log) binary project directory
*.wtc watch list (Watch- and Recipe-Manager) Text user defined directory
*.alm alarmlog0.alm alarm log-file   user defined directory resp. download-directory of the controller
*.zip project archive file; zip-file with files belonging to the project , ‘File’ ‘Save/Mail Archive’   user defined directory
*.trc project01_tr1.trc trace recording binary with codesys.exe
*.mon project01_tr1.mon trace recording XML with codesys.exe
*.tcf project01_tr1.tcf trace configuration binary with codesys.exe