
Elements \ of the Standard.lib

in ST in AWL Description
LEN(in) LEN String length of operand in
LEFT(str,size) LEFT Left inital string of given size of string str
RIGHT(str,size) RIGHT Right initial string of given size of string str
MID(str,size,pos) MID Partial string of str of given size at position pos
CONCAT(‘str1’,’str2’) CONCAT ‘str2’ Concatenation of two subsequent strings
INSERT(‘str1’,’str2’,pos) INSERT ‘str2’,p Insert string str1 in String str2 at position pos
DELETE(‘str1’,len,pos) DELETE len,pos Delete partial string (length len), start at position pos of str1
REPLACE(‘str1’,’str2’,len,pos) REPLACE ‘str2’,len,pos Replace partial string of lenght len by str2, start at position pos of str1
FIND(‘str1’,’str2’) FIND ‘str2’ Search for partial string str2 in str1
SR SR Bistable FB is set dominant
RS RS Bistable FB is set back
SEMA SEMA FB: Software Semaphor (interruptable)
R_TRIG R_TRIG FB: rising edge is detected
F_TRIG F_TRIG FB: falling edge is detected
CTU CTU FB: Counts upv
CTD CTD FB: Counts down
CTUD CTUD FB: Counts up and down
TP TP FB: trigger
TON TON FB: Timer On-Delay
TOF TOF FB: Timer Off-Delay
RTC RTC FB: Real Time Clock