Integer Data TypesΒΆ

BYTE, WORD, DWORD, SINT, USINT, INT, UINT, DINT, and UDINT are all integer data types.

Each of the different number types covers a different range of values. The following range limitations apply to the integer data types:

Type Lower limit Upper limit Memory space
BYTE 0 255 8 Bit
WORD 0 65535 16 Bit
DWORD 0 4294967295 32 Bit
SINT -128 127 8 Bit
USINT 0 255 8 Bit
INT -32768 32767 16 Bit
UINT 0 65535 16 Bit
DINT -2147483648 2147483647 32 Bit
UDINT 0 4294967295 32 Bit

As a result when larger types are converted to smaller types, information may be lost.

See also: Number Constants