This function of type BOOL calls the function getsockoptof the operating system in order to set particular socket options..
For a description of the getsockopt function please see the Online Help resp. documentation on the operating system.
In case of successful operation the function will return TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
Variable | Data type | Description |
diSocket | DINT | Descriptor of the socket, returned by SysSockCreate (corresponding parameter e.g. in Win32: s) |
diLevel | DINT | Protocol specific level (corresponding parameter e.g. in Win32: level) |
diOption | DINT | Name of the option: (corresponding parameter e.g. in Win32: optname) depends on the operating system |
diOptionValue | DWORD | Option value; Deactivate boolean option values by setting a “0”; otherwise set the value (corresponding parameter e.g. in Win32: optval) |
diOptionLength | DWORD | Length of the buffer for the option value (corresponding parameter e.g. in Win32: optlen) |