
This function of type BOOL calls the function getsockoptof the operating system in order to set particular socket options..

For a description of the getsockopt function please see the Online Help resp. documentation on the operating system.

In case of successful operation the function will return TRUE, otherwise FALSE.

Variable Data type Description
diSocket DINT

Descriptor of the socket, returned by SysSockCreate

(corresponding parameter e.g. in Win32: s)

diLevel DINT

Protocol specific level

(corresponding parameter e.g. in Win32: level)

diOption DINT

Name of the option:

(corresponding parameter e.g. in Win32: optname)

depends on the operating system

diOptionValue DWORD

Option value; Deactivate boolean option values by setting a “0”; otherwise set the value

(corresponding parameter e.g. in Win32: optval)

diOptionLength DWORD

Length of the buffer for the option value

(corresponding parameter e.g. in Win32: optlen)