Provided by util.lib.
The function generator generates typical periodic functions:
The inputs are a composition consisting of MODE from the pre-defined counting type GEN_MODE, BASE of the type BOOL, PERIOD of the type TIME, of two INT values CYCLES and AMPLITUDE and of the BOOLean RESET input.
The MODE describes the function which should be generated, whereby the enumeration values TRIANGLE and TRIANGLE_POS deliver two triangular functions, SAWTOOTH_RISE an ascending, SAWTOOTH_FALL a descending sawtooth, RECTANGLE a rectangular signal and SINE and COSINE the sine and cosine:
BASE defines whether the cycle period is really related to a defined time (BASE=TRUE) or whether it is related to a particular number of cycles, which means the number of calls of function block (BASE=FALSE).
PERIOD or CYCLES defines the corresponding cycle period.
AMPLITUDE defines, in a trivial way, the amplitude of the function to be generated.
The function generator is again set to 0 as soon as RESET=TRUE.