Alarm classes

Alarm classes are used for the general description of certain alarm criteria, such as how to handle acknowledgements (confirmation of an alarm by the user), which actions should automatically run as soon as a particular General information on alarms, Terms has been detected and which colors and bitmaps are to be used for a visualization of an Alarm table. Alarm classes are defined globally in the Alarm configuration, Overview and are then available as a base configuration when configuring Alarm groups.

Configuration of alarm classes

Select entry ‘Alarm classes’ in the alarm configuration tree. The configuration dialog ‘Alarm classes’ gets opened:


Press button ‘Add’ in order to create a new alarm class. Thereupon in the upper window a line will be inserted, primarily only with an entry “NOACK” (no acknowledgement) in the ‘Acknowledgement’ column. Define a name for the alarm class in the corresponding field in the ‘Name’ column (open an edit frame by a mouse-click on the field) and if necessary modify the acknowledgement type in column ‘Acknowledgement’. The following acknowledgements are available:

  • NO_ACK:   No acknowledgement of the alarm by the user is required
  • ACK_INTO: A “come” alarm condition (status “INTO”, alarm occurs) must be confirmed by the user.
  • ACK_OUTOF: A “gone alarm” (status “OUTOF”, alarm terminated) must be confirmed by the user.
  • ACK_ALL: Gone and come alarm General information on alarms, Terms must be confirmed by the user.

Additionally you can enter a Comment.

Entries for further alarm classes each will be added at the end of the list.

Use button Delete to remove the currently selected entry from the list.

Assigned actions for \ class <class name>

Each alarm class defined in the upper window can get assigned a list of actions, which should be performed as soon as an General information on alarms, Terms occurs.

In the list of Possible actions select one and press button  ”>” to get it into the field Assigned actions. This field will finally contain the selection of actions assigned to the alarm class. Via button  ”>>” you can add all actions at a single blow. Via “<” resp.. “<<” you can remove one or all actions from the done existing selection. If an action is marked in the ‘Assigned actions’ list, via  ”…” a corresponding dialog can be opened to define the desired E-Mail settings, the printer settings, the process variable resp. the executable program and, if applicable, a message text.

The following action types (Possible actions) are supported (for a definition of a message text see below):

Action Description Settings to be done in the corresponding dialog
Save The alarm event will be saved internally, in order to be given out a Alarm saving. Please note: In this case the log-file must be defined in the configuration of the Alarm groups! The settings are done in the Alarm group definition in the Alarm saving dialog
Print A message text is sent to a printer.

Printer: Select one of the printers defined on the local system;

Outputtext: Message text   (see below) which should be printed out

  • Please note that this function is not supported for Target-Visualization!
Message In the current Alarm table of the alarm a message window will be opened showing the defined text.

Message: Message text to be displayed in the message window

  • Please note that this function is not supported for Target-Visualization!
E-Mail An E-Mail containing the defined message will be sent. From: E-Mail address of sender; To: E-Mail address of recipient; Subject: any subject;  Message: Message text (see below); Server: Name of the E-Mail server
Variable A variable of the CoDeSys program will get the alarm status resp. a message text string. Variable: Variable name: You can select project variables via the input assistant (<F2>): A boolean variable will indicate the alarm states NORM =0 and INTO=1, an integer variable will indicate the alarm states NORM =0, INTO =1, ACK =2, OUTOF =4; a string variable will get the message text defined in field;  Message (see below)
Execute An executable file will be started as soon as the alarm event occurs. Executable file: name of the file to be executed (e.g. notepad.exe, you can use the “…” button to get the standard dialog for selecting a file; Parameter: appropriate parameter(s) which should be attached to the call of the exe-file

Definition \ of the message text

For action types ‘Message’, ‘Print’, ‘Email’ or ‘Variable’  you can define a message text which should be output in case of an Alarm Event. Line breaks at the text definitions in  ‘Message’, ‘Email’ or ‘Variable’ can be inserted by <Ctrl>+<Enter>.

The following placeholders can be used when defining the alarm message:

MESSAGE The message text which is defined for the particular alarm in the configuration of the Alarm groups will be used.
DATE Date, when the alarm status was reached (INTO).
TIME Time of alarm entry.
EXPRESSION Expression (defined in alarm group) which has caused the alarm.
PRIORITY Priority of the alarm (defined for alarm group.)
VALUE Current value of the expression (see above).
TYPE Alarm type (defined in alarm group)
CLASS Alarm class (defined in alarm group)
TARGETVALUE Target value for alarm types DEV+ and DEV- (defined in alarm group)
DEADBAND Tolerance of the alarm (defined in alarm group)
ALLDEFAULT Any information on the alarm will be output, like described for the line entries in a log file (History).

Example of defining an alarm message:

For a definition of a message box enter the following in the message window:


Further on when defining the alarm in the alarm group enter in column ‘Message’ the following: “Temperature critical !”. The output of the final alarm message will be like follows:


Note for translation to other languages: The message text will also be affected in case of a change of the project language if it is included in a *.vis-file or a Create translation file. BUT: In this case - like texts referring to a visualization it has to be set between two  ”#”-characters (e.g. in the example shown above : “#Temperature critical !#” and “TIME /EXPRESSION: MESSAGE #current#: VALUE”, in order to get the text entered in the translation file as ALARMTEXT_ITEMs.)

A log file for action ‘Save’ is to be defined in the configuration of the Alarm groups.

Alarm Events for actions

For each action you define, at which General information on alarms, Terms it should be started.

Activate the desired events:

INTO     The alarm occurs. Status =  INTO.

ACK       Acknowledgement by the user has been done. Status = ACK.

OUTOF Alarm state terminated. Status = OUTOF.

Colors/Bitmaps for class <class \ name>

Each alarm class can get assigned own colors and bitmaps, which will be used for the differentiation of the alarms in the visualization element Alarm table. Select a Foreground color and Background color for the possible events INTO, ACK and OUTOF.

The standard dialog for selecting a color will open as soon as you perform a mouse-click on the color symbol. For selecting a bitmap a mouse-click on the grey rectangle will open the standard dialog for selecting a file.