Status bar

The status bar at the bottom of the window frame of the main window in CoDeSys gives you information about the current project and about menu commands.

If an item is relevant, then the concept appears on the right side of the status bar in black script, otherwise in gray script.

When you are working in online mode, the concept Online appears in black script. If you are working in the offline mode it appears in gray script.

In Online mode you can see from the status bar whether you are in the Simulation (SIM), the program is being processed (RUNS), a breakpoint is set (BP), or variables are being forced (FORCE).

With the text editor the line and column number of the current cursor position is indicated (e.g. Line:5, Col.:11). In online mode ‘OV’ is indicated black in the status bar. Pressing the Ins key switches between Overwrite and Insert mode.

If the mouse point is in a visualization, the current X and Y position of the cursor in pixels relative to the upper left corner of the screen is given. If the mouse pointer is on an Element, or if an element is being processed, then its number is indicated. If you have an element to insert, then it also appears (e.g. Rectangle).

If you have chosen a menu command but haven’t yet confirmed it, then a short description appears in the status bar.