Overview Operators and Library Elements

The table shown below shows an overview on the operators, which are available in IEC 61131-3 editor or in the libraries Standard.lib and Util.lib. You find there the notation for ST and IL. For IL also the supported modificators are listed.

Take note that for the ‘IL operator’ column: Only the line in which the operator is used will be displayed. A prerequisite is that the (first) required operand have been successfully loaded in the preceding line (e.g. LD in).

The ‘Mod. \ IL’ column shows the possible modifiers in IL:
C The command is only executed if the result of the preceding expression is TRUE.
N for JMPC, CALC, RETC: The command is only executed if the result of the preceding expression is FALSE.
N otherwise: negation of the operand (not of the accumulator)
( Operator enclosed in brackets: only after the closing bracket is reached will the operation preceding the brackets be carried out.

Please obtain a detailed description of usage from the appropriate appendices concerning IEC operators.

Operators \ in IEC 61131-3 editor:

in ST in AWL



    String delimiters (e.g. ‘string1’)
.. [ ]     Size of Array range (e.g. ARRAY[0..3] OF INT)
:     Delimiter between Operand and Type in a declaration (e.g. var1 : INT;)
;     Termination of instruction (e.g. a:=var1;)
^     Dereferenced Pointer (e.g. pointer1^)
  LD var1 N Load value of var1 in buffer
:= ST var1 N Store actual result to var1
  S boolvar   Set boolean operand boolvar exactly then to TRUE, when the actual result is TRUE
  R boolvar   Set boolean operand boolvar exactly then to FALSE, when the actual result is TRUE
in ST in AWL



  JMP label CN Jump to label
<Program name> CAL prog1 CN Call program prog1
<Instance name> CAL inst1 CN Call function block instance inst1
<Fctname>(vx, vy,..) <Fctname> vx, vy CN Call function fctname and transmit variables vx, vy
RETURN RET CN Leave POU and go back to caller
  (   The value following the bracket is handled as operand, the operation before the bracket is not executed before the expression in the brackets.
  )   Now execute the operation which has been set back
AND AND N,( Bitwise AND
OR OR N,( Bitwise OR
XOR XOR N,( Bitwise exclusive OR
NOT NOT   Bitweise NOT
ADD ( Addition
- SUB ( Subtraction
* MUL ( Multiplication
/ DIV ( Division
> GT ( Greater than
>= GE ( Greater or equal
= EQ ( Equal
<> NE ( Not equal
<= LE ( Less or equal
< LT ( Less than
MOD(in) MOD   Modulo Division
INDEXOF(in) INDEXOF   Internal index of POU in1; [INT]
SIZEOF(in) SIZEOF   Number of bytes required for the given data type of in
SHL(K,in) SHL   Bitwise left-shift of operator in by K
SHR(K,in) SHR   Bitwise right-shift of operator in by K
ROL(K,in) ROL   Bitwise rotation to the left of operator in by K
ROR(K,in) ROR   Bitwise rotation to the right of operator in by K
SEL(G,in0,in1) SEL   Binary selection between 2 operands in0 (G is FALSE) and in1 (G is TRUE)
MAX(in0,in1) MAX   Returns the greater of 2 values
MIN(in0,in1) MIN   Returns the lesser of 2 values in0 and in1
LIMIT(MIN,in,Max) LIMIT   Limits the value range (in is set back to MIN or MAX in case of exceeding the range)
in ST in AWL



MUX(K,in0,…in_n) MUX   Selecti the Kth value out of a group of values (in0 to In_n)
ADR(in) ADR   Address of the operand in [DWORD]
ADRINST() ADRINST()   Address of the function block instance from which you are calling that operator.
BITADR(in) BITADR   Bitoffset of the operand in [DWORD]
BOOL_TO_<type>(in) BOOL_TO_<type>   Type conversion of the boolean operand
<type>_TO_BOOL(in) <type>_TO_BOOL   Type conversion to BOOL
INT_TO_<type>(in) INT_TO_<type>   Type conversion of an INT Operand to another elementary type
REAL_TO_<type>(in) REAL_TO_<type>   Type conversion of an REAL operand to another elementary type
LREAL_TO_<type>(in) LREAL_TO_<type>   Type conversion of a LREAL operand to another elementary type
TIME_TO_<type>(in) TIME_TO_<type>   Type conversion of a TIME operand to another elementary type
TOD_TO_<type>(in) TOD_TO__<type>   Type conversion of a TOD operand to another elementary type
DATE_TO_<type>(in) DATE_TO_<type>   Type conversion of a DATE operand to another elementary type
DT_TO_<type>(in) DT_TO_<type>   Type conversion of a DT operand to another elementary type
STRING_TO_<type>(in) STRING_TO_<type>   Type conversion of a string operand to another elementary type, in must contain valid value of desired type
TRUNC(in) TRUNC   Conversion from REAL to INT
ABS(in) ABS   Absolute value of operand in
SQRT(in) SQRT   Square root of operand in
LN(in) LN   Natural logarithm of operand in
LOG(in) LOG   Logarithm of operand in, base 10
EXP(in) EXP   Exponential function of operand in
SIN(in) SIN   Sine of operand in
COS(in) COS   Cosine of operand in
TAN(in) TAN   Tangent of operand in
ASIN(in) ASIN   Arc sine of operand in
ACOS(in) ACOS   Arc cosine of operand in
ATAN(in) ATAN   Arc tangent of operand in
EXPT(in,expt) EXPT expt   Exponentation of operand in with expt

Elements \ of the Standard.lib

in ST in AWL Description
LEN(in) LEN String length of operand in
LEFT(str,size) LEFT Left inital string of given size of string str
RIGHT(str,size) RIGHT Right initial string of given size of string str
MID(str,size,pos) MID Partial string of str of given size at position pos
CONCAT(‘str1’,’str2’) CONCAT ‘str2’ Concatenation of two subsequent strings
INSERT(‘str1’,’str2’,pos) INSERT ‘str2’,p Insert string str1 in String str2 at position pos
DELETE(‘str1’,len,pos) DELETE len,pos Delete partial string (length len), start at position pos of str1
REPLACE(‘str1’,’str2’,len,pos) REPLACE ‘str2’,len,pos Replace partial string of lenght len by str2, start at position pos of str1
FIND(‘str1’,’str2’) FIND ‘str2’ Search for partial string str2 in str1
SR SR Bistable FB is set dominant
RS RS Bistable FB is set back
SEMA SEMA FB: Software Semaphor (interruptable)
R_TRIG R_TRIG FB: rising edge is detected
F_TRIG F_TRIG FB: falling edge is detected
CTU CTU FB: Counts upv
CTD CTD FB: Counts down
CTUD CTUD FB: Counts up and down
TP TP FB: trigger
TON TON FB: Timer On-Delay
TOF TOF FB: Timer Off-Delay
RTC RTC FB: Real Time Clock

Elements \ of the Util.lib

Element Description
BCD_TO_INT Conversion of a Byte: BCD to INT format
INT_TO_BCD Converstion of a Byte: INT to BCD format
EXTRACT(in,n) The n-th bit of DWORD in is returned in BOOL
PACK Up to 8 bits are packed into a byte
PUTBIT A bit of a DWORD is set to a certain value
UNPACK A byte is returned as single bits
DERIVATIVE Local derivation
LIN_TRAFO Transformation of REAL values
STATISTICS_INT Min., Max., average values in INT format
STATISTICS_REAL Min., Max., average in REAL format
PD PD controller
PID PID controller
BLINK Pulsating signal
FREQ_MEASURE Measuring frequency of boolean input signal
GEN Periodic functions
CHARCURVE Linear functions
RAMP_INT Limiting ascendance of descendance of the function beeing fed (INT)
RAMP_REAL Limiting ascendance of descendance of the function beeing fed (REAL)
LIMITALARM Watches whether input value exceeds limits of a defined range