Motion absolute¶
In the visualization element configuration dialog box, in the Motion absolute category, X- or Y-Offset fields variables can be entered. These variables can shift the element in the X or the Y direction, depending on the respective variable value. A variable in the Scale field will change the size of the element linear to its current value. This value, which is used as scaling factor, will be divided by 1000 implicitely, so that it is not necessary to use REAL-variables in order to get a reduction of the element. The scaling always will refer to the balance point.
A variable in the Angle field causes the element to turn on its turning point, depending on the value of the variable. (Positive Value = Mathematic Positive = Clockwise). The value is evaluated in degrees. With polygons, every point rotates; in other words, the polygon turns. With all other elements, the element rotates, in such a way, that the upper edge always remains on top.
The turning point appears after a single click on the element, and is displayed as a small black circle with a white cross. You can drag the turning point with a pressed left mouse button.
In online mode the variables which are set in the ‘Motion absolute’ dialog will override the values of structure components which additionally might be used to define the same property (‘Programability’).
In case of multiple definition of an element property consider the specific order of precedence concerning according to which a value might be overwritten in online mode by another.
Visualization Element Configuration Dialog Box (Motion Absolute Category)