
The direct display of individual memory locations is done through the use of special character sequences. These sequences are a concatenation of the percent sign “%”, a range prefix, a prefix for the size and one or more natural numbers separated by blank spaces.

The following range prefixes are supported:

I Input
Q Output
M Memory location

The following size prefixes are supported:

X Single bit
None Single bit
B Byte (8 Bits)
W Word (16 Bits)
D Double word (32 Bits)


%QX7.5 and %Q7.5 Output bit 7.5
%IW215 Input word 215
%QB7 Output byte 7
%MD48 Double word in memory position 48 in the memory location.
%IW2.5.7.1 depending on the PLC Configuration
ivar AT %IW0 : WORD; Example of a variable declaration including an address assignment

The current PLC Configuration for the program determines whether or not an address is valid.


Boolean values will be allocated bytewise, if no explicit single-bit address is specified.

Example: A change in the value of varbool1 AT %QW0 affects the range from QX0.0 to QX0.7.


Online Change might change the contents on addresses.

Please regard this when using Pointer on addresses.