‘Online’ ‘Download’

This command loads the compiled project in the PLC.

During compilation the Download-Information gets saved in a file called <projectname>0000000ar.ri , which is used during ‘Online’ ‘Login’ to compare the current program with the one most recently loaded onto the controller, so that only changed program components are reloaded. This file is erased by the command ‘Project’ ‘Clean all’! Concerning Online Change on several PLCs please see ‘Online’ ‘Login’. Note that the *.ri-file also gets updated during an Online Change.

Depending on the target system settings at each creation of a ‘Online’ ‘Create boot project’ in offline mode the *.ri-file might be regenerated.

Only persistent variables Remanent variables keep their values even after a download.

See ‘Online’ ‘Login’ for a diagram showing the relations between Project-Build, Project-Download, Online Change and Login on the target system.