Create a new Visualization¶
A visualization object is managed in the ‘Visualization’ register of the Object Organizer. It contains an arrangement of visualization elements and can get certain object properties. One or several visualization objects can be created in a Automation_Builder project and might be linked with each other.
In order to create a visualization object in the Object Organizer, you must select the register card for Visualization in the Object Organizer.
Using the ‘Project’ ‘Object Add’ command, you can create a new visualization object. Open the ‘New visualization’ dialog, in which you can enter the name of the new visualization (see the remarks below). Once a valid entry is made, that is not a name that is already in use and no special characters used, you can close the dialog with OK. A window opens, in which you can edit the new visualization.
When the visualization object is marked in the Object Organizer, via command ‘Project’ ‘Object’ ‘Properties’ the Properties dialog: _Project__Objectproperties_
When defining the name of the visualization object, please regard the following:
- A visualization named “PLC_VISU” per default automatically will be used as start visualization in a web visualization or in IEC 61131-3 editor HMI, if there not explicitly another visualization is configured for this.
- A visualization may not get the same name as another object within the project because this would result in problems when changing between visualizations.
If you want to use the implicit variable CurrentVisu (type STRING) for addressing the currently opened visualization object, with compiler versions < V2.3.7.0 and if the library SysLibStr.lib is not included in the project, you must use capital letters for the names of the visualization objects (e.g. PLC_VISU).
For information on implicit variables see System Variables.