Special input possibilities for operating versions¶
The IEC 61131-3 editor visualization can target specifically be used with IEC 61131-3 editor HMI or as web visualization as a mere operating interface. Then no menus and status and tool bars will be available to the user and no possibility to modify the code.
Thus, when a visualization is created with IEC 61131-3 editor for the purpose of being used as a ‘operating version’ the principal control and monitoring functions in a project must be assigned to visualization elements thus making them accessible via mouse click or keyboard in Online mode.
See in the following some special input possibilities to configure visualization elements for the purpose of being used in IEC 61131-3 editor HMI. They are available in the configuration dialog for a visualization element:
Enter internal commands in the field Execute program in the category Input according to the following syntax (The dialog ‘Configure Programs’ is available for this purpose):
The following table shows the available internal commands. Some of them expect to receive several parameters, which are then entered separated by spaces. Optional parameters are enclosed in square brackets. For those commands which require that a Watch list be specified, a placeholder can be used instead of the direct name. If you enter several commands for one element, these are separated by commas.
Command | The equivalent in the programming version of IEC 61131-3 editor | Explanation |
ASSIGN <Variable>:=<Expression> | Assignment | A variable or expression gets assigned to another variable. Example: INTERN ASSIGN PLC_PRG.ivar1:=PROG1.ivar+12; |
<Path executable program> [Path of the file to be opened] 2) | Program call | The program will be executed. Example: C:\programms\notepad.exe text.txt |
LANGUAGEDIALOG2) | ‘Extras’ ‘Settings’ | The dialog for visualization settings which includes the category language gets opened. |
LANGUAGE <language identifier as used in the currently set language file *.vis, *.tlt or *.txt> Attention: For visualizations it is recommended to use the *.vis language file. |
‘Extras’ ‘Settings’, Language | The desired language is set without using the dialog for visualization settings. |
LANGUAGE DEFAULT <language identifier as used in the currently set language file> | ‘Extras’ ‘Settings’, Language | For dynamic texts the default language will be used, which is defined in the currently included xml file. |
DELAY <delay time in milliseconds>:sup:1) 2) | The next command will not be executed before this time has elapsed. E.g. a delay of 500 ms is necessary between DEFINERECEIPT, READRECEIPT and SAVEWATCH. |
DEFINERECEIPT <name of watch list> | Select watch lists | A watch list is selected from the receipt manager which enters your name (name) when the command is given. The variables in this watch list are registered and displayed. |
READRECEIPT <name of watch list> | ‘Read receipt’ | In the defined watch list the pre-definition of the variables will be replaced by the current values. Regard: The watch list must be defined before via DEFINERECEIPT and a delay of 500 ms must be inserted (see above: command DELAY). |
WRITERECEIPT <name of watch list> | ‘Write receipts’ | The name of a watch list of the receipt manager is expected. The receipt of this watch list will be written. A previous execution of DEFINERECEIPT is not necessary. |
SAVEWATCH | ‘Save watch list’ | The receipt will be read into the current watch list which will be stored in a file. Important: call a previous DEFINERECEIPT to define the current receipt and insert a delay of 500 ms (see above: command DELAY). |
LOADWATCH | ‘Load watch list’+ ‘Write receipt’ | The standard window ‘File open’ appears, from which a previously stored receipt can be selected. This receipt will be immediately written into the controller system. |
CHANGEUSERLEVEL | - | A dialog for setting the user group level will open. The eight IEC 61131-3 editor user group levels are offered for selection. |
CHANGEPASSWORD | cp. ‘Project’ ‘User Group Passwords…’ | A dialog for changing the user group password will appear. |
SAVEPROJECT:sup:1) 2) | ‘File’ ‘Save’ | The project will be saved. |
EXITPROGRAM:sup:1) 2) | ‘File’ ‘Close’ | The program will be exited. |
PRINT:sup:1) 2) | ‘File’ ‘Print’ | The current visualization will be printed out online. |
HELP <name of help file>:sup:1) 2) | Call of a help file | Depending on which language is set for the visualization, a help file will be called which is entered for that language in the CoDeSys ini-file (see ‘Extras’ ‘Settings’). |
TRACE:sup:1) 2) | Resources, Sampling Trace | The window for trace recording (Sampling Trace) will be opened. The menu commands Trace Start, Read, Stop, Save, Load which are available in the full version are available in this window. |
CAM:sup:1) 2) | Resources, CAMs | If there is a CAMs definition available in the project (Resources), the CAM-Editor will be opened. As soon as the editor will be closed again, it will be returned to the visualization. |
CNC:sup:1) 2) | Resources, CNC program list | f there is a CNC program list available in the project (Resources), the CNC editor will be opened. As soon as the CNC editor will be closed again, it will be returned to the visualization. |
1) not supported for Target-Visualization 2) not supported for Web-Visualization |
Only for usage in a Web-Visualization: The following commands can be used to give the write access in online mode on a visualization to a certain client. This is of interest if multiple clients at the same time might modify data on the PLC, see Access \ protection for multi-client operations. |
REQUESTWRITEACCESS | Request for write access | |
RELEASEWRITEACCESS | Deallocation of the write access which has been requested before | |
GLOBALRELEASEWRITEACCESS | Global deallocation of the write access | |
INTERN LINK <URL> | The Web-Visualization will switch over within the browser to the defined URL (Unified resource location) | |
INTERN LINK <HTTP file path> | The defined file will be opened. | |
INTERN LINK mailto:<email address> | The entry mask for sending an EMail to the defined address will be opened; e.g. ” INTERN LINK mailto:s.sdfjksk@companyxy.com” | |
INTERN CONNECT_TO <PLC name>|<Start-Visu> | The PLC (target) will be switched; Preconditions: The WebServer must be configured appropriately with the connection parameters for the respective target systems and a matching ini-file for the PLC-Handler must be available. PLC name: Name of the target PLC, as defined in the PLC-Handler ini-file. Start-Visu: Name of the desired start visualization page. The WebServer will establish the connection to the respective PLC automatically. Example: “INTERN CONNECT_TO PLC1|PLC_VISU” |
Dialog for the trace recording in the operating version: