Modifying Visualization ElementsΒΆ
You can select an element which has already been inserted by a mouse click on the element or by pressing tab
. A small black square will appear at each corner of each of the elements, (with ellipses at the corners of the surrounding rectangle). Except in the case of polygons, lines or curves further squares appear in the middle of the element edges between the corner points.
With a selected element, the turning point (balance point) is also displayed at the same time. You can then rotate the element around this point with a set motion/angle. The turning point is displayed as a small black circle with a white cross. You can drag the turning point with a pressed left mouse button.
You can change the size of the element by clicking on one of the black squares and, while keeping the left mouse button pressed, controlling the new outline.
With the selection of a polygon, you can drag each individual corner using the same technique. While doing this, if you press Ctrl
then an additional corner point will be inserted at the corner point, an additional corner point will be inserted, which can be dragged by moving the mouse. By pressing Shift
+ Ctrl
, you can remove a corner point.