Structure SystemTimeDate

This structure contains the following information on the realtime given by the local system clock. It is used by the function block CurTimeEx.

Component Data type Description
dwLowMSecs DWORD The value of the realtime clock is returned in microseconds, using a Low DWORD plus a High DWORD, see also in structure Structure SysTime64
dwHighMsec DWORD  
Year UINT Year, e.g. “2002”
Month UINT Month, e.g. “12”
Day UINT Day of month, e.g. “3”
Hour UINT Hour of the current day, e.g. “13”
Minute UINT Minutes of the current hour, e.g. “43”
Second UINT Seconds of the current minute, e.g. “15”
Milliseconds UINT Milliseconds of the current second, e.g. “649”
DayOfWeek UINT Day of the week, e.g. “2” (Sunday=0, Monday = 1…)