Tab ‘EtherCAT module - Start parameters’

Object: EtherCAT module

The SDOs (Service Data Objects) or IDNs that transmit specified parameters to the device at the system start are defined for the current module in this tab.

The object directory with the required data objects is described in the EtherCAT-ML description file or in an EDS file which is referenced in the XML file.

Requirement: The device supports CAN over EtherCAT or Servodrive over EtherCAT.


Some modules have their own start parameters which are displayed in the tab. The parameters can be modified there. Likewise, the parameters are also displayed in the slave, but they are blocked there.

SDO table

List of the SDOs or IDNs

The order (from top to bottom) in the SDO table specifies the order in which the SDOs are transferred to the module.

Line Line number
Bit length Bit length of the SDO
Abort on error 7fc6057585bc0d2ac0a864635d7566fb_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The transfer is interrupted in the case of an error with error status.
Jump to line on error 7fc6057585bc0d2ac0a864635d7566fb_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : In case of error the transfer is resumed with the SDO at the specified Line.
Next line 7fc6057585bc0d2ac0a864635d7566fb_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The transfer is resumed with the SDO at the next line.
Comment Input field for comment
Move up Moves the selected line upwards by 1 line
Move down Moves the selected line downwards by one line

Opens the dialog Select an entry from the object directory. In this dialog you can change the parameters of the SDO before the SDO is added to the configuration.

By specifying new index/subindex entries, a new object can be added to the SDO that is not yet described in the EDS file. This is useful if only an incomplete object directory or none at all is present.

Delete Deletes the entry that is presently selected.
Change Opens the dialog Select an entry from the object directory in order to change the parameters of the selected SDOs or IDNs in the table

Servodrive over EtherCAT

Select an entry from the object directory
List of the available object directory entries as defined in the XML file.
Column Idn  
Column Base value

Basic value of the IDN,

Editable, (open with double click)

Input fields
  • S
  • P
PSet By specifying new PSeT/Offset entries, a new object can be added to the IDN that is not yet described in the XML file. This is useful if only an incomplete object directory or none at all is present.
Offset By specifying new PSet/Offset entries, a new object can be added to the IDN that is not yet described in the XML file. This is useful if only an incomplete object directory or none at all is present.
Bit length Drop-down list for the selection of the bit length
Value Drop-down list for the selection of the value
Channel This drop-down list is automatically displayed if the object has several sub-objects
Is List  

CAN over EtherCAT

Select an entry from the object directory
List of the available object directory entries as defined in the EDS file.
Column Flags Display of access flags: RW (read/write), RO (read only), WO (write only)
Column Base value Editable (open with double click)
Input fields
Name Input field for displaying and changing the name
Index: 16#

Drop-down list for changing the index

By specifying new index/subindex entries, a new object can be added to the SDO that is not yet described in the EDS file.

Sub-index: 16#

Drop-down list for changing the subindex

By specifying new index/subindex entries, a new object can be added to the SDO that is not yet described in the EDS file.

Bit length  
Byte array  

See also