When using OPC server V2 or V3ΒΆ

Required functions of the OPC Client OPC Server V2 OPC Server V3 Hints
Support Win XP, Win 7 32Bit, Win7 64Bit, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 X X  
OPC client runs as service - X  
Support Alarm/Event - X  
Support AC500 HA - X  
OPC-Performance - faster

Comparison with OPC

Server V2 to V3:

Transmission rate

Support VB, VBA OPC clients (Automation Interface, Automation Wrapper) X X OPC Server V3 supports also VBA OPC Clients, but OPC Server V2 must be installed also because of an otherwise missing DLL
Resources friendly to old OPC clients, which support only the old OPC DA 1.0a (Async I/O 1.0a) groups. X X See Hints Behavior OPC Server V3 via Interface IOPCAsyncIO
Simulation without AC500 - X  


If several OPC clients are used at the same time, they must run in the same session.

See Hints Session isolation.