Performance - Comparison with OPC Server V3 and TCPIP driversΒΆ

Measured on a Lenovo Thinkpad with Core-I5, Windows 7-64, 8GB RAM using a minimum OPC-Client (console application) written in C# with use of OpcNetApi-Library.

V2.3 project with 5 AC500 PLCs

TCPIP - Driver Name

Buffer size setting in


Average CPU

Load (PM591) [%]

Throughput Cyclic items

per second at OPCClient

3S TCPIP 0 16 8500
ABB TCP/IP Level 2 AC 1000 19 2886
ABB TCP/IP Level 2 AC 5000 19 4770
ABB TCP/IP Level 2 AC 7000 19 5202